Plant trees for planet and human development

Projects for human development in harmony with the environment

A more resilient world for future generations


Empowerment of local communities


Enrichment of biodiversity


Tackling climate change

water drop

Regulating the water cycle


Soil stabilisation

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Objective: 816 trees amounting to 24480

already funded: 0 trees
0 %

Educational project for a honey forest in the Lozère region of France with RED by SFR

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Local residents and beekeepers

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

816 trees planted

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

More then 20 different species

Empowerment of local communities Empowerment of local communities Enrichment of biodiversity Enrichment of biodiversity Regulating the water cycle Regulating the water cycle

Objective: 26250 trees amounting to 144375

already funded: 12730 trees
48 %

Reforestation with local communities in the Kinabatangan Sanctuary on Borneo

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

The local community residing in Mukim Batu Puteh, whose population comprises mainly people from the ‘Orang Sungai’ ethnic group. They have formed their own community co-operative called ‘Koperasi Pelancongan Mukim Batu Puteh Berhad (KOPEL)

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

26,250 long lasting trees

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

The native trees selected for planting in the designated reforestation area will be based on species naturally found in the surrounding forest. These trees are specifically chosen for their ability to withstand flooding and provide food for local wildlife once mature, for example : Bayur Pterospermum sp, Belian Eusideroxylon zwageri, Binuang Octomeles sumatrana or Bongkol Nauclea subdita

Empowerment of local communities Empowerment of local communities Enrichment of biodiversity Enrichment of biodiversity Regulating the water cycle Regulating the water cycle

Objective: 68250 trees amounting to 409500

already funded: 27319 trees
40 %

Reforestation to conserve páramos and water resources in Colombia 2025-2030

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

The programme has three groups of direct beneficiaries: 1. Members of the community nursery network: families with one or more members working in one of the 16 associative nurseries in the network. 2. Small landowners and producers who want to grow trees and are committed to maintaining them over time. 3. Village councils and small water management entities that plant on their own land to protect a water resource. Indirect beneficiaries are people living in the region who ultimately depend on the preservation of forests and water resources.

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

68,250 long lasting trees

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

The nursery network produces over 130 species, almost all of which are endogenous. They include Andean alder Alnus acuminata; pelotillo Viburnum pichinchense; yellow acacia Acacia decurrens; pandala Prunus huantensis; pumamaque Oreopanax sp.; tilo Sambucus nigra peruviana; black elder Sambucus nigra; charmuelan Geissanthus andinus; cedrillo Ruagea glabra; arayan Myrcianthes leucoxyla; puliza Monticalia andicola; and colla Smallanthus pyramidalis

Enrichment of biodiversity Enrichment of biodiversity Regulating the water cycle Regulating the water cycle

Objective: 4152 trees amounting to 97156.8

already funded: 758 trees
18 %

Planting to replace diseased chestnut trees in Montmorency 2024/2025, France

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

The inhabitants of neighbouring communes who regularly visit this forest

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

A total of 5.190 to be planted to retain 4.152 (80%) following the first thinning operation 35 years after planting

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Pubescent oak, Black cherry, Apple, Walnut, Hornbeam, Lime, Pedunculate oak, Maritime pine, Black alder, Laricio pine, Cormier


Objective: 1510 trees amounting to 43790

already funded: 69 trees
4 %

Agroforestry and permaculture planting in a vineyard in the Ain region of France

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Winegrowers, students, future winegrowers, members of chambers of agriculture, vocational training trainees

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

1,840 trees/shrubs planted to establish (and expected) 1,510 trees after 20 years

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

More then 20 different species


Objective: 3496 trees amounting to 104880

already funded: 3496 trees
100 %

Educational project for a honey forest in the Lozère region of France

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Local residents and beekeepers

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

5,390 trees planted, 4,312 of which will be permanent by the end of the project

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

More then 20 different species

Soil stabilisation Soil stabilisation Empowerment of local communities Empowerment of local communities Regulating the water cycle Regulating the water cycle

Objective: 22200 trees amounting to 122100

already funded: 19879 trees
89 %

Rehabilitation of community land in Shenavan, Armenia

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

The main project beneficiaries are the 513 residents of Shenavan. Furthermore, the inhabitants of the Lori region, i.e. 212,600 people, including 125,400 living in urban and 87,200 in rural areas, will benefit indirectly.

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

22,200 trees are expected to remain perennial for several years, following completion of the 26,175-tree planting programme

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

More then 20 different species

Empowerment of local communities Empowerment of local communities Tackling climate change Tackling climate change Regulating the water cycle Regulating the water cycle

Objective: 7000 mangroves amounting to 98000

already funded: 4048 mangroves
57 %

Restoring mangroves in Mont-Dore, New Caledonia

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Local residents and fishermen

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

7,000 trees will remain for several years after planting a total of 10,000

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

7,000 Rhizophora stylosa and Rhizophora samoensis plants 2,500 Bruguiera gymnorhiza plants 500 Excoecaria agallocha plants


Objective: 13000 trees amounting to 71500

already funded: 13000 trees
100 %

Participatory reforestation in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Tena 2024

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

80 families in the region

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

13,000 trees will remain for several years after planting a total of 16,000

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Timber forest trees (50%) and fruit trees (50%), with a wide variety of 10 to 20 species per plot and the reintroduction of local endangered species. Complete list below

Empowerment of local communities Empowerment of local communities Tackling climate change Tackling climate change Regulating the water cycle Regulating the water cycle

Objective: 66264 mangroves amounting to 364452

already funded: 48192 mangroves
72 %

Educational mangrove planting project in Madagascar 2024

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Schools in the district of Tuléar I & II: 3 300 pupils, the teachers, parents and families of the young participants, elected officials and local authorities involved in the project, and village communities neighbouring the plantation areas.

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

73 626 trees planted to retain 66 264

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Orange mangrove, Bruguiera gymnorhiza; red mangrove, Rhizophora mucronata; yellow mangrove, Ceriops tagal; grey mangrove, Avicennia marina; flower mangrove, Sonneratia alba

Soil stabilisation Soil stabilisation Enrichment of biodiversity Enrichment of biodiversity

Objective: 10009 trees amounting to 102000

already funded: 8090 trees
80 %

Planting hedgerows by farmers in Normandy, France 2024/2025

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

The project is carried out with farmers. Also, all the inhabitants of the region will benefit from the project through restoration of the Norman bocage (mixed woodland and pasture) in this area.

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

10,000 trees are expected to remain over time

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

More then 15 different species at three different levels (strata)


Objective: 528 trees amounting to 9504

already funded: 528 trees
100 %

Planting the sessile oak to replace diseased chestnut trees and in Montmorency 2023/2024, France

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

The inhabitants of neighbouring communes who regularly visit this forest

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

A total of 660 to be planted to retain 528 (80%) following the first thinning operation 35 years after planting

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

The sessile oak and forest fruit trees, with a natural increase in the birch, whitebeam and chestnut trees (disease-free) already growing on the plot


Objective: 8000 mangroves amounting to 33200

already funded: 8000 mangroves
100 %

Educational mangrove planting project to restore natural resources and tackle food insecurity, Madagascar 2023/2024

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Schools in the district of Tuléar I & II: 400 pupils, the teachers, parents and families of the young participants, elected officials and local authorities involved in the project, and village communities neighbouring the plantation areas.

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

8 800 trees planted to retain 8 000

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Orange mangrove, Bruguiera gymnorhiza; red mangrove, Rhizophora mucronata; yellow mangrove, Ceriops tagal; grey mangrove, Avicennia marina; flower mangrove, Sonneratia alba


Objective: 30000 mangroves amounting to 150000

already funded: 30000 mangroves
100 %

Restoring mangroves to the Marismas Nacionales Sinaloa wetlands, Mexico

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

A total of 45 people, members of the Sociedades Cooperativas de Producción Pesquera fishing community, are expected to benefit from the project.

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

30,000 mangrove trees will remain for several years after planting a total of 40,000

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle), white mangroves (Laguncularia racemosa) and black mangroves (Avicennia germinans)


Objective: 7200 trees amounting to 39600

already funded: 7200 trees
100 %

Participatory reforestation in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Tena 2023

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

45 to 50 families in the region

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

7,200 trees will remain for several years after planting a total of 9,000

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Timber forest trees (50%) and fruit trees (50%), with a wide variety of 10 to 20 species per plot and the reintroduction of local endangered species. Complete list below


Objective: 756 trees amounting to 13608

already funded: 756 trees
100 %

Meudon forest 2022: planting sessile oaks and various fruit trees to replace diseased chestnut trees, France

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

The inhabitants of neighbouring communes who regularly visit this forest

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

2,000 trees will remain after the first thinning operation (30/35 years after planting)

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Sessile oak, Atlas cedar, hornbeam. There will also be natural growth of species like birch, cherry, chestnut...


Objective: 1757 trees amounting to 44979.2

already funded: 1757 trees
100 %

Tree planting amidst vineyards in Saint-Emilion, Gironde, France

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Coraline and Victor, winegrowers in Gironde

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

1,757 long lasting trees

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

More then 30 different species


Objective: 13000 trees amounting to 80600

already funded: 13000 trees
100 %

Reforestation in the Alto Andes to conserve páramos and preserve water resources with local Pasto communities in Columbia

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

The programme has three groups of direct beneficiaries: Members of the community nursery network: families with one or more members working in one of the 15 associative nurseries in the network. Small landowners and producers who want to grow trees and are committed to maintaining them over time. Village councils and small water management entities that plant on their own land to protect a water resource. Indirect beneficiaries are people living in the region who ultimately depend on the preservation of forests and water resources.

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

20,000 trees planted, of which 13,000 perennial

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

The nursery network produces over 50 species, almost all of which are endogenous. They include Andean alder Alnus acuminata; pelotillo Viburnum pichinchense; yellow acacia Acacia decurrens; pandala Prunus huantensis; pumamaque Oreopanax sp.; tilo Sambucus nigra peruviana; black elder Sambucus nigra; charmuelan Geissanthus andinus; cedrillo Ruagea glabra; arayan Myrcianthes leucoxyla; puliza Monticalia andicola; and colla Smallanthus pyramidalis


Objective: 825 trees amounting to 18397.5

already funded: 825 trees
100 %

Wine nursery project and creation of an edible forest garden, Vaucluse, France

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Alexandre, farmer, and winegrower in the Vaucluse department

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

825 long lasting trees

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

32 different species


Objective: 6579 trees amounting to 123027.3

already funded: 6579 trees
100 %

Agroforestry on arable land in the Beauce region of France

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Yves, farmer in the Beauce region of France

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

8,224 trees planted, of which 6,579 long lasting

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

About 50 different species


Objective: 117000 trees amounting to 234000

already funded: 117000 trees
100 %

Restoring the tropical deciduous forest in the Selva el Ocote Reserve and introducing a silvopastoral system, in Mexico

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Ejido Nuevo Jerusalén 15 people Ejido Llano Grande 30 people Ejido Absalón Castellanos 20 people Ejido Francisco Villa II 20 people Ejido La Florida predio Yagualica 20 people

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

161,000 trees planted, 117,000 of which perennial

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Native forest species: Caoba Swietenia macrophylla - 20,000 planted, 14,000 of which perennial Cedro Cedrela mexicana - 20,000 planted, 14,000 of which perennial Hormiguillo Aralia pubescens - 7,000 planted, 5,000 of which perennial Matilisguate Tabebuia rosea - 7,000 planted, 5,000 of which perennial Mulato Bursera simaruba - 7,000 planted, 5,000 of which perennial Native forage species: Guach Leucaena leucocephala - 40,000 planted, 30,000 of which perennial Cocoite Gliricidia sepium - 40,000 planted, 30,000 of which perennial Quebracho Acacia Milenaria - 20,000 planted, 14,000 of which perennial


Objective: 428 trees amounting to 10764.2

already funded: 428 trees
100 %

Agroforestry project in vineyards in the Cognac region, Charente department, France

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Pierre, winegrower and Cognac producer in Charente

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

428 planted and perennial

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

About 10 different species


Objective: 3570 trees amounting to 103530

already funded: 3570 trees
100 %

Integrating trees into free range poultry farming, in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region of France

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Seven farmers in the New-Aquitaine region: Arnaud, Emmanuel, Jean-François, Quentin, Rodolphe, Thierry, Vanessa

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

3,585 planted,f which 3,570 long-living.

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

About 40 different species


Objective: 48825 trees amounting to 122062.5

already funded: 48825 trees
100 %

Agroforestry and forestry near Lake Itasy in Madagascar, Mahavotra 2021

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

900 farming families, men and women

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

108,500 trees in 2022, of which 48,825 are expected to remain after three years  

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Forest species: pine, acacia, eucalyptus mainly and also rosewood, grevillea, mantaly paulownia; Agroforestry species: orange, lemon, mandarin, coffee and lychee trees.


Objective: 4260 trees amounting to 97980

already funded: 4260 trees
100 %

Educational project to restore damaged forests in Wegscheid communal forest, France

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Inhabitants and primary school children in the commune of Wegscheid (approx. 400 people) and teachers

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

8,000 trees planted, of which 4,260 will remain after the first thinning operation in 35 years time

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

9 different species: Douglas (Pseudotsuga menziesii), European larch (Larix decidua), Pinus laricio (Pinus laricio var corsicana), Sessile oak (Quercus petraea), Small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata), Field maple (Acer campestre), Wild pear (Pyrus communis), Wild apple tree (Malus sylvestris), White Birch (Sorbus aria), Chestnut (Castanea sativa), Cedar (Cedrus)


Objective: 7200 mangroves amounting to 45360

already funded: 7200 mangroves
100 %

Educational mangrove planting project to restore natural resources and tackle food insecurity, Madagascar

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Schools in the district of Tuléar I & II: 400 pupils, 8 teachers, 1,600 parents and families of the young participants, 10 elected officials and local authorities involved in the project, 5,000 village communities neighbouring the plantation areas.

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

8 000 trees planted to retain 7 200

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Orange mangrove, Bruguiera gymnorhiza; red mangrove, Rhizophora mucronata; yellow mangrove, Ceriops tagal; grey mangrove, Avicennia marina; flower mangrove, Sonneratia alba


Objective: 3500 trees amounting to 29750

already funded: 3500 trees
100 %

Planting trees to restore ecosystems in Canada, Ontario 2021

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Farming families

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

4 550 trees planted to retain 3 500

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Eastern white pine (Pinus strobus), white spruce (Picea glauca), red pine (Pinus resinosa), Norway spruce (Picea abies), eastern white cedar (Thuja occidentalis ), red oak (Quercus rubra), tamarack (Larix laricina), silver maple (Acer saccharinum), Sugar Maple (Sapindaceae), European larch (Larix decidua), bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa), American Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), Bitternut Hickory (Carya cordiformis), Black Walnut (Juglans nigra), Swamp White Oak(Quercus bicolor)


Objective: 1246 trees amounting to 31150

already funded: 1246 trees
100 %

Agroforestry project amidst vineyards in the Bouches-du-Rhône, France

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Marie and Olivier, winegrowers in Bouches-du-Rhône

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

1,246 long-living trees

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

28 different species


Objective: 1440 trees amounting to 35280

already funded: 1440 trees
100 %

Agroforestry hedge planting project on old wheat plotsin the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Pierre, a farmer in Alpes-de-Haute-Provence.

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

1,801 trees planted, of which 1,440 long-living

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

25 different species


Objective: 33000 trees amounting to 297000

already funded: 33000 trees
100 %

Planting hedgerows by farmers in Normandy, France

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

The project is carried out with farmers in the Argentan region. Also, all the inhabitants of the region will benefit from the project through restoration of the Norman bocage (mixed woodland and pasture) in this area.

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

33,000 trees are expected to remain over time

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

More then 15 different species at three different levels (strata)


Objective: 5079 stable trees amounting to 41598.6

already funded: 5079 trees
100 %

Agroforestry gardens with trees and medicinal plants in China, Liming 2021

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Around 15 to 20 producers. Mainly women since most of the men have left to find work in the city.

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

5,190 trees planted, of which 5,073 long lasting

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

20 different species. Trees that deliver environmental benefits: Yunnan torreya, Armandii pine, Torreya grandis Fruit trees: Sichuan pepper (Zanthoxylum piperitum), green pepper (Piperaceae), peach (Prunus persica), quince (Cydonia oblonga), plum (Prunus domestica) Medicinal plants: Gentiana macrophylla, Paris polyphilla, black cardamom, etc.  


Objective: 6450 trees amounting to 180600

already funded: 6450 trees
100 %

Agroforestry tree planting for food self-sufficiency and preservation of natural resources on the island, Martinique, France

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Arnaud and Sébastien, farmers in Martinique, committed to agroecology

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

6,450 perennial trees

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

34 different species


Objective: 2500 trees amounting to 17500

already funded: 2500 trees
100 %

Restoring ecosystems and supporting local communities in Hammana and Anjar, Lebanon

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Local communities in the villages of Hammana and Anjar, approximately 8,000 inhabitants in Hammana and 2,400 in Anjar

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

2,500 perennial trees to be planted, of which 1,250 in Hammana and 1,250 in Anjar

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

12 different species, such as Oak, Carobs, Almonds, Linden, Olives Cedars, Apricots, Pines, Cherries, Plums, Peaches, Apples  


Objective: 269 trees amounting to 7774.1

already funded: 269 trees
100 %

Agroforestry system in pasture meadows, Ille-et-Vilaine department of France

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Loïc and Jean-Philippe, brothers and dairy farmers, in Ille-et-Vilaine  

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

269 long-lasting trees planted  

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

11 tree species


Objective: 11200 trees amounting to 61600

already funded: 11200 trees
100 %

Participatory reforestation in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Tena 2021

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

40 to 60 families in the region, 1/3 men and 2/3 women between 20 and 60 years of age

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

11,200 trees will remain for several years after planting a total of 14,000 .

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Timber forest trees (2/3) and fruit trees (1/3), with a wide variety of 10 to 20 species per plot and the reintroduction of local endangered species. Complete list below


Objective: 605 trees amounting to 12402.5

already funded: 605 trees
100 %

Planting hedgerows around an agroforestry plot, Vienne, France

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Guillaume, a farmer in the Vienne department of France

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

605 long-lasting trees to be planted

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

39 different species


Objective: 2980 trees amounting to 53640

already funded: 2980 trees
100 %

Planting the sessile oak to replace diseased chestnut trees and in Montmorency 2021, France

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

The inhabitants of neighbouring communes who regularly visit this forest

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

A total of 3,725 to be planted to retain 2,980 (80%) following the first thinning operation 35 years after planting

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Sessile oak, birch and sorb trees with a natural increase of chestnut already present on the plot.


Objective: 1208 trees amounting to 33582.4

already funded: 1208 trees
100 %

Agroforestry in the middle of a cattle farm, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Félix, farmer

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

A total of 1,510 trees will be planted, for 1,208 lasting trees

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Local species have been selected and the aim is to adapt the farming system to climate change. Mulberry - Morus alba, Mulberry tree - Morus kagayamae Fruit trees: apple tree - Malus, pear tree - Pyrus, medlar tree - Mespilus, fig tree - Ficus carica, walnut tree - Juglans regia L. Hawthorn - Crataegus monogyna, rosehip - Rosa canina, elderberry - Sambucus, viburnum, privet - Ligustrum, dogwood - Cornus


Objective: 477 trees amounting to 13594.5

already funded: 477 trees
100 %

Agroforestry within vineyards, in the Indre-et-Loire region, France

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Michel, winegrower, and his father, a retired winegrower  

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

477 lasting trees planted

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

34 different species including 17 funded by A Tree for You (see details of the species below)


Objective: 625 trees amounting to 25625

already funded: 625 trees
100 %

Agroforestry Amazonian seed orchard to boost local forest diversity, French Guiana

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

The farm SCEA L'Agro Forestière (Civil Society for Forest Exploitation), i.e. three women and three men And the people of French Guiana, who will benefit from the enriched local biodiversity.  

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

625 trees on 1 hectare

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

53 different native species: palm trees, timber trees and spice trees (see details of the species below)


Objective: 6200 trees amounting to 62000

already funded: 6200 trees
100 %

Agroforestry to tackle deforestation, poverty and food insecurity, Phnom Kulen National Park, Cambodia

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

170 family farms, as well as villagers from neighbouring villages.

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

7,000 trees planted, of which 6,200 are expected to remain over time.

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Different agroforestry species: Citrus sp. (orange, lemon, grapefruit), neem Azadirachta indica, avocado Persea americana, mango Mangifera indica, cocoa Theobroma cacao, jackfruit Artocarpus heterophyllus, jujube Ziziphus, coconut trees Cocos nucifera


Objective: 14000 trees amounting to 112000

already funded: 14000 trees
100 %

Plantation of hedgerows by farmers in Normandy 2020, FRANCE

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

1st planting wave in 2020: The project is carried out with 35 farmers. 2nd planting wave in 2021: The project is carried out by 11 different farmers.   Also, all the inhabitants of the region will benefit from the project through restoration of the Norman bocage (mixed woodland and pasture) in this area.

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

14,981 trees planted, of which 14,000 are expected to remain over time.

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

21 different species at three different levels (strata)


Objective: 25000 trees amounting to 60000

already funded: 25000 trees
100 %

Securing water and food supplies for producers in Madagascar, KOLORANO project

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

The community of Ambalavao, as well as farming families living in the four hamlets of Soarano, Ambalatsimirango, Mananjafy, and Famaky, farming up- and downstream the springs.

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

55,000 trees planted, of which 25,000 are expected to remain over time.

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

About 10 different forest species: Eucalyptus robusta; Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus grandis, and trees for agricultural use: Neem Azadirachta indica, and/or food use: Tapia Uapaca bojeri; Moringa Moringa oleifera; Kily Tamarindus indica.


Objective: 1000 trees amounting to 16000

already funded: 1000 trees
100 %

Planting the sessile oak to replace diseased chestnut trees and so protect biodiversity in Montmorency, France

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

The inhabitants of neighbouring communes who regularly visit this forest

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

A total of 1,250 to be planted to retain 1,000 (80%) following the first thinning operation 35 years after planting

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

The sessile oak, with a natural increase in the birch, whitebeam and chestnut trees (disease-free) already growing on the plot


Objective: 297286 trees amounting to 2732059

already funded: 297286 trees
100 %

Agroforestry for sustainable agricultural practices with small coffee farmers in Sidama, ETHIOPIA

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

5,500 smallholder farmers and their families

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

495,000 trees planted over 4 years, of which 297,000 are expected to remain over time

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Avocado (Persea americana), apple (Malus domestica), wadicho (Cordia africana), dagucho (Podocarpus falcatus), hooncho (Juniperus procera), matichcho (Albizia gummifera), hengedicho (Millettia ferruginea)


Objective: 366327 trees amounting to 2099059

already funded: 366327 trees
100 %

Agroforestry for sustainable agricultural practices with small coffee farmers in Kericho, KENYA

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

2,750 smallholder farmers and their families

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

522,500 trees planted over 4 years, of which 365,750 (173,250 agroforestry trees and 192,500 coffee trees) are expected to remain over time

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Erythrina abyssinica, Muiri (Prunus africana), Warburgia ugandensis, Premna maxima, Milicia excelsa, Muhuru (Vitex kenyensis), Mutundo (Cordyla africana), Mukoigo (Bridelia micrantha), Mobet (Markhamia lutea), Reberwet (Syzygium cumini), Persea americana, Calliandra Calothyrsus


Objective: 10000 trees amounting to 53000

already funded: 10000 trees
100 %

Planting trees to restore ecosystems in Canada, Ontario

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

5 farming families

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

13,000 trees planted to retain 10,000

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Eastern white pine (Pinus strobus), white spruce (Picea glauca), red pine (Pinus resinosa), Norway spruce (Picea abies), eastern white cedar (Thuja occidentalis ), red oak (Quercus rubra), tamarack (Larix laricina), silver maple (Acer saccharinum), European larch (Larix decidua), bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa).


Objective: 2880 trees amounting to 60480

already funded: 2880 trees
100 %

Educational project to replace diseased ash forests in France, Boulogne-sur-Mer

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Around 100 children from four schools and four classes in France. Likewise in Togo, about 100 children will be involved in at least three classes.

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

In France: 3,600 trees planted in total, to retain 2,880 for up to 40 years. In Togo, twice as many will be planted in parallel, i.e. around 5,760 permanent trees.

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

In France : sessile oak, pedunculated oak, beech (local species) together with natural regeneration that will recolonise the soil with maple, hornbeam, birch, Alisier, alder, aspen, cherry...


Objective: 8000 trees amounting to 44000

already funded: 8000 trees
100 %

Participatory reforestation in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Tena 2020

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

30 to 50 families in the region, equal numbers of men and women

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

8,000 trees will remain for several years after planting a total of 10,000.

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Timber forest trees (2/3) and fruit trees (1/3), with a wide variety of 10 to 20 species per plot and the reintroduction of local endangered species. Complete list below


Objective: 570 trees amounting to 14250

already funded: 570 trees
100 %

Truffle oak grove-ancient wheat variety-market gardening agroforestry system in France, Aude

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Vincent, farmer

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

570 trees expected to achieve stability after three years, out of the 570 to be planted

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

12 species including: 200 holm oaks (Quercus ilex), 150 olive trees (Olea europaea), 50 lime trees (Tilia), 20 peach trees (Prunus persica), 20 pear trees (Pyrus communis), 20 cherry trees (Cerasus), 20 quince trees (Cydonia oblonga), 20 apricots (Prunus armeniaca), 20 apple trees (Malus), 20 plaqueminaries (Diospyros kaki), 20 white mulberry trees (Morus alba), 10 fig trees (Ficus carica)


Objective: 20800 trees amounting to 41600

already funded: 20800 trees
100 %

Reforestation in the village of Dzoraglukh, forestry and fruit trees in Armenia

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

The inhabitants of Dzoraglukh: 277 people, of which 131 women and 146 men

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

20,800 trees are expected to remain perennial for several years, following a planting programme involving 26,000

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

- Five forest tree species: Pedunculate oak (Quercus macranthera); Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), High mountain maple (Acer trautvetteri), Birch (Betula litvinovii), High ash (Fraxinus excelsior) - Two fast shrub species: Yellow Acacia (Caragana arborescens) and Masreni (Roza) - Two fruit tree species: Oriental apple (Sorbus torminalis) and Caucasian pear (Pyrus caucasica)


Objective: 948 trees amounting to 23700

already funded: 948 trees
100 %

Educational project agroforestry, winegrowing, orchard, market gardening in France, Isère

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Horticultural farm owned by the landscape school. Numerous beneficiaries: students, farmers, inhabitants.

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

948 trees, of which 192 fruit and 336 forest trees.

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

25 species in total, including five fruit tree species: apple, pear, peach, cherry, plum; eight forest species: country elm, common ash, country maple, hazel, white willow, glutinous alder, hornbeam, male dogwood; six bushy shrub species: hawthorn, sapwood, lying viorne, forsythia, black elder, European charcoal; six thorny bush species: rosehips, Berberis thunbergii, Carissa macrocarpa, Spanish gorse, Mahonia aquafolium, Prunus spinosa.


Objective: 40000 stable trees amounting to 40000

already funded: 40000 trees
100 %

Agroforestry and forestry in a valley of the river Zio in Togo – 4 villages

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Smallholder families and individuals, plus groups organised by the village chiefdom and Village Development Committee In each village, 400 people, 50/50 men and women - 1 600 people in total

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

48,000 trees to be planted: 30,000 fertiliser - 14,000 forest -  4,000 fruit trees A total of 40,000 trees are expected to remain after several years of sustainable management

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Fertiliser trees : Samanea saman, Albizia stipulata, Albizia lebbeck, Gliricidia sepium,  Forest trees : Terminalia superba, Terminalia ivorensis, Cola cordifolia, Mélina, Tectonia grandis Fruit trees: coconut and citrus trees


Objective: 2500 trees amounting to 12500

already funded: 2500 trees
100 %

Enrichment of rice fields in agroforestry in Thailand, Isan

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Small organic rice producers. Almost as many women as men.

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

3,300 trees to be planted, of which 2,500 are expected to remain over time

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

As part of the project, 15 native or naturalized species will be planted, including: fruit trees: cashew tree (Anacardium occidentale), mango tree (Mangifera indica), jaquier (Artocarpus heterophyllus) trees with therapeutic properties: tamarind (Tamarindus indica), amla (Phyllanthus emblica) timber trees: payoong (Dalbergia cochinchinensis Pierre), kratan thepa (Acacia mangium) which fixes atmospheric nitrogen.


Objective: 1480 trees amounting to 31080

already funded: 1480 trees
100 %

Forest cultivated by a young market gardener in France, Hérault

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

1,480 trees over three years (2019-2021), of which 592 in 2019. All the trees are destined to remain in a stabilized plot management situation.

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

More than 63 different species for 1,480 trees in three years! Mainly: Diospyros khaki (khaki), grafted fruit trees (pomegranate, kiwi, quince, apple, pear, fig, plum, peach, cherry, apricot), Tilia sp. (lime tree), Morus sp. (mulberry), Ulmus resista (Japanese elm), Cornus sp. (dogwood)... but also, Cercis siliquastrum (Judean tree), Juglans sp. (walnut), Ceratonia siliqua (carob), Sambucus sp. (elder)...


Objective: 2600 stable trees amounting to 12220

already funded: 2600 trees
100 %

Agroforestry gardens with trees and medicinal plants in China, Liming

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

About 15 voluntary producers. Women predominate since most of the men have gone to seek work in the city.

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

2,900 trees to be planted (together with medicinal plants), of which 2,600 are expected to remain over time

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

At least 8 species (the farmers themselves might add more): Trees that deliver environmental benefits: Yunnan torreya, Armandii pine, Torreya grandis Fruit trees: Sichuan pepper (Zanthoxylum piperitum), green pepper (Piperaceae), peach (Prunus persica), quince (Cydonia oblonga), plum (Prunus domestica) + Medicinal plants: Gentiana macrophylla, Paris polyphilla, black cardamom, etc.


Objective: 4007 trees amounting to 20400

already funded: 4007 trees
100 %

Planting high-value trees to protect the primary forest in Equator, Tena

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

18 farmers (8 women and 10 men)

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

5,000 trees planted, of which 4,000 are expected to remain over time, i.e. 200 trees per family

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Forest trees, softwood lumber A wide range, with 15 species : pinga (Aspidosperma sp.), cedrillo (Cabralea canjerana), cedro (Cedrela odorata), chuncho (Cedrelinga cateniformis), arenillo (Erisma uncinatum), huambula (Minquartia guianensis), balsamo (Myroxylon balsamum), canelo anis (Nectandra sp.), le canelo (Ocotea sp. Nectandra sp.), caoba betiada (Plathymiscium estipulare), avio (Pouteria sp.), mindal (Simira sp.), ahuano (Swietenia macrophylla), pechiche (Vitex cymosa), tamburo (Vochysia leguiana)  


Objective: 532 stable trees amounting to 3141.25

already funded: 532 trees
100 %

Planting black alders and robinias in France, Tarn

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Chrystophe, living in the locality of Moulin Bas

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

2,800 trees to be planted for a lasting population of 664

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Forest trees: black alders on 1.21 hectares; Robinias on 2.15 hectares; and small-leaved lime trees on 0.20 hectares


Objective: 15000 stable trees amounting to 5250

already funded: 15000 trees
100 %

Agroforestry and forestry in a valley of the river Zio in Togo, Kouaxoe

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Smallholder families and individuals, plus groups organised by the village chiefdom and Village Development Committee 300 people, 50/50 men and women

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

25,500 planted: 10,500 fertiliser and 15,000 forest trees A total of 15,000 trees are expected to remain after several years of sustainable management

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Fertiliser trees: Samanea saman, Albizia stipulata, Albizia lebbeck, and Gliricidia sepium, Leucaena leucocephala  Forest trees: Terminalia superba, Terminalia ivorensis, Cola cordifolia, Melina, and Tectonia grandis


Objective: 5000 mangroves amounting to 15500

already funded: 5000 mangroves
100 %

Mangrove in Bali, Pejarakan

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Mangroves: the community association Putri Menjangan, i.e. around 120 members, of which one third are women Waste management: an association bringing together different groups working to protect the local environment

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

5,000 mangroves  

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

A wide range of mangrove species to ensure resistance to disease and hurricanes: stilted mangrove, loop-root mangrove, tall-stilt mangrove, yellow mangrove, tengar, and oriental mangrove


Objective: 300 trees amounting to 7200

already funded: 300 trees
100 %

Agroforestry with a traditional country baker in France, Gers

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

The Real Food Fight farm, Naroques, Gers (department in southwest France)

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres


Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Rows of hazels (15), walnut trees (80) Rows of fruit trees: pear (20), apple (20), pomegranate (15), plum (15), vine peach (15), and fig (15) A low hedgerow of populars (50) A row of sessile oaks (40) and mulberry trees (15)


Objective: 108000 stable trees amounting to 187920

already funded: 108000 trees
100 %

Agroforestry and forestry near Lake Itasy in Madagascar, Mahavotra

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

700 farming families, men and women

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

240,000 trees to be planted of which 108,000 are expected to remain after three years

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Forest species: pine, acacia, mainly eucalyptus but also rosewood, Grevillea, Paulownia mantaly Agroforestry species: orange tree, lemon tree, mandarin tree, coffee tree and lychee tree.


Objective: 10600 stable trees amounting to 5512

already funded: 10600 trees
100 %

Planting old species of cacao together with fertiliser trees in Togo, Tove Banu

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Smallholder families and individuals, groups organised by the village leaders and the Village Development Committee 150 people, 50/50 men and women

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

10,000 cacao trees and 600 fertiliser trees

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Cocoa trees: ‘Tete Kwashi’ Forastero Fertiliser trees planted or through natural regeneration: saman, Albizias stipulata, Terminalias superba, Terminalias ivoirensis, Albizia zygia, Albizia andiathifolia, Albizia ferruginea, Arthrosamanea altissima, Tétrapleura tétraptera, Morinda lucida, Chlorophora exelsa, Ficus gnaphalocarpa


Objective: 2120 stable trees amounting to 25016

already funded: 2120 trees
100 %

Planting chestnut trees and douglas firs in France, Orne

Bénéficiaires Bénéficiaires

Yves, a retired farmer from Saint-Fraimbault in the Orne (department in northwest France)

Bénéficiaires Nombre d'arbres

11,400 planted for a mature stand of 2,120 trees

Bénéficiaires Essences plantées

Forest trees: chestnuts (1,030), Douglas (1,040), and cork oak (50)


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