Montmorency Forest, France, June 2023
The planting campaign covering 1,000 perennial trees on 1.15 ha in Montmorency forest ended in February 2020. As a reminder, on plot 104 zone A and B, 80% sessile oaks and 20% of alisiers have replaced the chestnut trees suffering from by ink disease.
This project delivers many benefits, namely:
- preserving the natural and forest heritage;
- soil preservation and tackling erosion;
- preserving water resources;
- absorbing carbon and improving air quality;
- developing animal and plant biodiversity.
Yves, a forester with the ONF (French national forestry office), has taken over from Matthieu to monitor development of the forest. In particular, he monitors the maintenance and survival rate of young trees. Since the trees were planted, two clearing operations have been carried out to limit competition for resources between seedlings and surrounding vegetation.

Concerning the trees’ survival rates three years after planting : on plot 104 zone A, there was considerable mortality. This was due to tough competition from woody plants, especially brambles, which choked some of the seedlings. In addition, the successive extremely hot and dry summers undermined development of the young plants. The recovery rate in this area is estimated at 64%.
For plot 104 zone B, the survival rate is estimated at 72%. This rate is below the objectives set by A Tree for You and the ONF. The latter has committed to replanting until reaching a survival rate of 80%. So, this winter (2022/2023), replanting was carried out in both zones. Yves and his teams are continuing to monitor the situation.