Equator: here we go!

Preparing seed bags / © Fondation GoodPlanet

Tena, October 2018

Here we go! Ishpingo’s plants nursery has launched the production of numerous timber tree plants from 12 local varieties with names all more exotic than others.  There are plants of Peine de mono, Cedrillo, Chuncho, Arenillo, Balsamo, Mindal…

Implementation of a shade house / © Fondation GoodPlanet

These young trees will be transplanted by the farmers in a few months time into their plots to develop an agroforestery system that will feed their family and at the same time prepare a future standing timber stock nearby that will avoid deforestation in protected forest areas! 


N° scientific name (common name) and quantity of seedlings


1 Apeiba membranacea (Peine de mono) 250
2 Cabralea canjerana (Cedrillo) 500
3 Cedrelinga cateniformis (Chuncho) 1200
4 Erisma uncinatum (Arenillo) 300
5 Guarea guidonia (Manzana colorada) 500
6 Myroxylon balsamum (Balsamo) 800
7 Ocotea javitensis (Canelo amarillo) 600
8 Plathymiscium estipulare (Caoba betiada) 300
9 Pouteria sp. (Avio) 250
10 Vitex cymosa (Pechiche) 300
11 Minquartia guianensis (Huambula) 300
12 Simira sp. (Mindal) 300

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