July 2019, meeting between donors and beneficiaries of the project in Madagascar!

Group photo between the two families in front of Mr. Hervé's house, beneficiary of the project - Manazary (Itasy Region) 2019

Manazary, Itasy region, July 2019

On the occasion of a trip to Madagascar, the B. family was able to be within reach of the field of Mahavotra project to which she contributed.

With two members of the project team, they went to meet Mr. Hervé ANDRIANJAFIMAMPIANINA and his family. A farmer native of Manazary commune who benefited from the plants distributed at the beginning of 2019 thanks to all the donations made.

Visit of Mr. Hervé's farm with explanations from Laza, technician of the Malagasy NGO AMADESE, local partner of the project - Manazary (Itasy Region) 2019

The B. family was guided all day by Mr. Hervé, who took them on a tour of his farm, proud to show them his different plantations. They were able to discuss about his work, his projects and observe on his plots the plantations of: 278 pines, 40 jacarandas, 50 coffee trees, 7 lychees, 50 mandarin trees.

A visit full of sharing and learning, as highlighted in this interview with Mr B.

What were the impressions of your field trip?

“It was much more than simply welcoming the speakers – anagronomist, local correspondent, and farmer –  not to mention the driver, who were all very friendly and surprised us with their enthusiasm to show us  this project. It also proved a great opportunity to discover all the work carried out on site, which goes well beyond planting trees!”

What are the perceptible benefits of this project?

There are many: providing the local population with a decent means of subsistence, training farmers in agriculture that respects nature, good land and water management, crops adapted to the soil and climate with relevant advice on the best types of species to plant, etc. So it’s not just a little bit of CO2 being preserved; it’s the return of nature and people being able to live with greater dignity from their work.”

What did you learn from your visit?

A lot of generosity, enthusiasm, and hard work. We set out on this trip expecting to see a few trees planted, butdiscovered a generous project, rooted in nature and humanity. Anencouraging sign for the future of the region and a project well worth being encouraged by planting many more funded trees! Misaotra betsaka (thank you very much) to everyone for this visit.”

Next article: teams take stock of the planting campaign.

Group photo after the visit to Mr. Hervé Manazary (Itasy Region) 2019

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