January 2019, at Tove Banu, in Togo, nurseries are launched!

Meeting for the distribution of agricultural equipment at the end of 2018 / © APAF – Togo

Tove Banu, January 2019

The farmers of Tove Banu enthusiastically welcomed the A Tree for You project!

Distribution of small agricultural equipment / © APAF – Togo

Currently, a nursery group of 30 people, including women, has been formed. Work on the nursery began with the potting of 10,000 bags, and the germination of seeds from fertilizer and forest trees, such as Tetrapleura tetraptera, Terminalia superba, Khaya grandifolia, Samanea saman, Albizia stipulata,… and cocoa.

Repotting of the seedling bags in Tove Banu / © APAF – Togo


Tove-Banu Nursery in January 2019 / © APAF – Togo

Soon, all these young tree seedlings will be planted in the individual agroforestry fields of the village farmers.

©2025 A Tree For You


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