Beneficiary working on his plot ©Ishpingo
Tena, Ecuador, October 2022
In Tena, a canton in the Ecuadorian Amazon, the 14,183 trees planted in the communities of Santo Urku and Kachiwañushka, between September 2021 and January 2022, are continuing to grow. The plantation includes a total of 14 timber species (most of which are endangered), as well as 16 species of fruit trees adapted to the area and needs of the local population.
The land farmed by these communities has been seriously degraded by mining companies exploring for gold, as well as the corn monocultures of corn encouraged by the State. Agroforestry will give them an opportunity to diversify their sources of income and greatly improve their diet.
Forestry engineers from the local NGO Ishpingo have started follow-up visits to each of the plots to ensure the trees distributed among the 35 project beneficiaries are growing well. Last June 2022, the country’s indigenous leaders called for a ‘general strike’, which disrupted the country’s political stability and impacted the activities for monitoring the plots. Violent demonstrations broke out in the country, leading to the closure of many roads, especially those providing access to the plantation sites, as well as fuel shortages in the city of Tena.
Thus, monitoring was only possible for 32 of the 35 plots. The forestry engineers checked they were well maintained (weeds can smother young trees), the shade was sufficient but not too much, and that associated crops were not interfering with tree growth. The soil and plants were also carefully observed for possible deficiencies or diseases.
During these visits the survival rate of the seedlings was also measured. Out of the 32 plots visited, 25 had a survival rate of over 80%. On seven plots, the results were less convincing, so, to compensate the mortality, new young trees will be distributed to the most motivated beneficiaries of the project.
This close monitoring will continue over the next 2 years, which still represents critical period for tree development!
Elicio from the Kachiwanushka community ©Ishpingo
Testamonial by Elicio, from the Kachiwanushka community
“Hello everyone. My name is Elicio and I’m from the community of Kachiwanushka. I joined the Ishpingo reforestation project in 2021 with other members of the community. I planted timber and fruit trees and take care of these trees because here in the community there is no more timber. This is the first time a project has taken interest in us and the issues we face since the mine destroyed our land. I hope to get some big chuncho trees, and see my kids eating rambutan fruit. We simply have to work and take the time to maintain the trees so that they grow!”
Thank you for your support. More news from the field coming soon!