Tena, Ecuador, May 2022
In 2021, in the canton of Tenain the Ecuadorian Amazon, 14,183 trees were planted in the communities of Santo Urku and Kachiwañushka!
The lands of these communities have been severely degraded by mining companies seeking gold and maize monoculture encouraged by the State. Planting trees will allow to enrich soils, to diversify their sources of income and significantly improve their diet.
Thanks to the creation of two community nurseries in February 2021, 35 beneficiaries have grown seedlings from seeds of 30 different species (fruit and timber trees).
Between August and December 2021, all the seedlings were distributed equally among the beneficiaries in both communities. The beneficiaries then transported their seedlings to their respective farms either by wheelbarrow and basket (canasta) or using a pickup truck, depending on the distance to the planting site.
In the run-up to planting, the local partner Ishpingo’s engineers visited each farmer to choose the future planting sites and the planting model (plot, agroforestry plot, forestry plantation), and to advise them on land preparation depending to the chosen planting model.
On the day of planting, accompanied by at least one Ishpingo member (engineer or technician) and three volunteers, farmers learned how to promote good growth and ensure low mortality of young trees.
By January 2022, the beneficiaires had planted the 14,183 seedlings. The nursery and planting work is now completed, as well as the nursery and planting training for men and women farmers.
Over the next two and a half years, technical monitoring of the plantations will be carried out during regular visits, as well as ongoing training of farmers in agroforestry. This should ensure an excellent survival rate (minimum 80% expected for the project) and good tree growth.

Feedback from Luis and Bertha, presidents of the community of Kachiwañushka:
“We are taking a keen interest in the nursery and trees. It benefits us because here there is almost no wood left – they have cut down so many trees.So now we have to reforest. We are old but must plant trees for the future, for our children. This is why the nursery that we are creating is so important. For example, there are no more Hacha Caspi (Pinja) trees;people don’t know this species anymore, there is no more to make our tools. We have to search for it or buy it from our neighbours. Another timber tree we are lacking is the Pechiche. Wee want it because it is a good wood for building houses. When we die, these trees will be used by our families. So we would really like to thank you for all the seedlings you have given us. We are extremely grateful to receive them.”
Thank you for your support. More news from the field coming soon!