Background & challenges
The project is located in France, in the Indre-et-Loire department, close to the town of Loches. Three years ago, winegrower Michel took the risk of reintroducing trees to his vineyard. He had taken over the family business from his father, who also believes trees have a role to play in agricultural systems. Father and son are keen to work together on this new phase in their business. All cultures are grown organically.
To make the most of the 8.3 hectares of land, all the trees will be planted in different places. The isolated trees as well as a large part of the hedgerow trees will be planted within the plot itself, in order to combine them with the vines. The rest of the hedgerow trees will be planted on the fringes of the plot.
The 34 local species selected for this project will generate an abundance of mixed fruits, create a rich and diverse biodiversity, and provide a pleasant living and working environment for these winegrowers.
This agroforestry project among the vines will deliver many other benefits:
- The trees act as real ‘air conditioners’ on the plot, protecting the vines from the effects of climate change, such as excess heat and late frosts, by creating a microclimate and providing sunshade.
- The agroforestry trees develop a deep root system due to competition from the vines. This encourages water to infiltrate and remain in the soil in the context of climate change.
- Trees are carbon sinks. They both mitigate the impacts of climate change and contribute to enriching the soil with carbon.
- Creating a rich and diverse biodiversity, the trees and hedgerow trees will produce timber, Ramial chipped wood (RCW, a non-composted mix of shredded residues and branches), and various fruits, as well as honeydew and nectar for bees and pollinators.
Project type


Michel, winegrower, and his father, a retired winegrower
Number of trees

477 lasting trees planted
Species planted

34 different species including 17 funded by A Tree for You (see details of the species below)

French Agroforestry Association
Trees inside the plot:
Acer campestre – Country maple (55 – 10%), Acer platanoides – Flat maple (55 – 10%), Acer pseudoplatanus – Sycamore maple (45 – 8%), Carpinus betulus – Hornbeam (10 – 2%), Gleditsia triacanthos – American honey locust (10 – 2%), Juglans regia – Common walnut (10 – 2%), Malus sylvestris – Wild apple (55 – 10%), Pyrus pyraster – Common pear tree (55 – 10%), Quercus pubescens – Pubescent oak (20 – 4%), Sorbus domestica – Cormier (55 – 10%), Sorbus torminalis – Torminal tree (55 – 10%), Tilia platyphyllos – Linden leaf roller (55 – 10%), Ulmus minor VADA® ‘Wanoux’ – VADA hybrid elm (10 – 2%), Ulmusresista LUTECE ® – LUTECE hybrid elm Nan.
Hedges inside the plot:
Cornus mas – Male dogwood (24 – 11%), Cornus sanguinea – Blood dogwood (24 – 11%), Corylus avellana – Corn / Hazelnut tree (24 – 11%), Ligustrum vulgare – Common privet (24 – 11%), Lonicera xylosteum – Broomrapeberry (24 – 11%), Rhamnus cathartica – Purgative buckthorn (24 – 11%), Ribes uva-crispa – Gooseberry (24 – 11%), Rubus idaeus – Raspberry (24 – 11%), Viburnum lantana – Lantana vine (24 – 11%).
Hedges on the fringes of the plot:
Cornus mas – Male dogwood (11 – 10%), Cornus sanguinea – Blood dogwood (11 – 10%), Corylus avellana – Sweetwood / Hazelnut tree (11 – 10%), Crataegus monogyna – Monogynous hawthorn (11 – 10%), Hedera helix – Ivy (11 – 10%), Ligustrum vulgare – Common privet (11 – 10%), Prunus mahaleb – St. Lucia cherry (11 – 10%), Rhamnus cathartica – Purgative buckthorn (11 – 10%), Sorbus aria – White buckthorn (11 – 10%), Viburnum lantana – Lantana vine (11 – 10%).

Works timeline
The work will be carried out over two planting years as follows:
- Spring 2020 (March): planting 607 linear metres of hedging and 78 isolated trees.
- Winter 2020: soil preparation and planting hedges, fruit trees and the remaining forest trees (477)
- 2020–2023: monitoring and maintaining the plantation, replenishing if necessary
Planting partner
The French Agroforestry Association (AFAF), created in 2007 under French law 1901, develops agroforestry in France for agriculture and in the political arena, as well as with the general public. It is a platform for exchange and partnerships between farmers, agroforestry operators, researchers, political decision-makers, local authorities, and administrative bodies. The AFAF proposes recommendations at both national and international levels and works to ensure trees regain their role within farming systems.
Within this project, the Association is in charge of technical follow-up with beneficiaries over time and providing information needed for communications.
The total budget to be collected is €13.594,5 or €28.5 per lasting tree,
- 95% allocated to the planting project, broken down as follows: :
- Plants and replenishment: €2.1
- Mulching: €0.9
- Protection and stakes: €4.9
- Technical advice: €7.2
- Monitoring planting: €2
- Coordination, project management, and communications: €5.8
- A Tree For You collection, monitoring and communications costs (14.65%): €4.2
- and 5% (€1.4) to support the structural costs of A Tree for You.
The vineyard owner is self-financing the planting and soil preparation steps, set at €15.05 per tree, i.e. 35% of the total project costs.