Background & challenges
In 2018, chestnut trees in forests to the north of the Ile-de-France region were found to be dying out due to a pathogen causing the devastating chestnut ink disease. Provoked by an organism present in soil water, this disease penetrates the root system of trees and triggers rapid necrosis. The tree can then no longer take in water and becomes extremely susceptible to drought. It can die in just a few days.
The chestnut tree is an emblematic species of Ile-de-France and particularly well established in the forest of Montmorency with an occupancy rate of 70%. The damage is such that in 2018 the forest was classified as being in a health crisis. When the trees are diseased or dead, the ONF must then resort to sanitation cutting. Next, planting is carried out to restore healthy afforestation with more resistant species.
Through sanitation cutting and replanting 660 trees on a plot of land, the project aims to:
- restore forest cover that is more resilient to climate change thanks to the species installed;
- protect the habitat of deer, wild boar, foxes, badgers, endemic birds like the woodcock, amphibians, as well as many species of beetles and lepidoptera. Finally, the forest is also home to the royal fern, a species protected because of its rarity;
- restore rainwater filtration to the forested area. The forest of Montmorency is key to tackling erosion in the region;
- carbon sequestration in the soil, branches, and trunks;
- ultimately produce timber by exploiting this forest for the next 160 years.
Project type


The inhabitants of neighbouring communes who regularly visit this forest
Number of trees

A total of 660 to be planted to retain 528 (80%) following the first thinning operation 35 years after planting
Species planted

The sessile oak and forest fruit trees, with a natural increase in the birch, whitebeam and chestnut trees (disease-free) already growing on the plot

Office National des Forêts

Works timeline
- Beginning of December 2023: soil preparation using mechanical digger
- February 2024: planting
- 2025 or 2026: partition grinding if necessary
- 2026: replenishing if regrowth is under 80%
- 2025-2035: the first clearing operations to be every five years
- First thinning operation 35 years after planting
- Logging of the forested area after around 160 years
Planting partner
The total budget to be collected is 9,504€, i.e. 18€ per tree, broken down as follows:
- 93% affected to the planting project
- Study and development of the plot: 1.57€.
- Soil preparation : 2,56€.
- Seedlings (purchase and installation): 2,43€.
- Protection (purchase and installation): 4,10€.
- Technical follow-up of the plantations: 2,30€.
- A Tree for You collection, follow-up and communication costs (13%): 2,34€.
- and 7% (1.26€) for A Tree for You overheads.
They contributed to the financing of the project in 2023: