FRANCE – Tarn : planting black alders and robinias

© Plantons pour l’avenir

This project is already funded!

Background & challenges

When Chrystophe set eyes on this 4.2-hectare forest, regardless of the decline it was love at first sight! Lying at the bottom of a valley, the plot was felled in 2014 but a few black alders remain to keep the spirit of the forest alive.

The plan is now to replant (or to assist the regeneration of) Robinia trees on the slopes and black alders in the wetland areas and bordering the stream. Planting lindens will help boost biodiversity. The flowers of the Robinia and lime trees will provide an important source of pollen for the bees already in hives on site. The alders have purification properties and also serve as a habitat for many different plants and animals.

The aim is to give this forest a fresh lease of life through harmonious development not geared towards production, in line with PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) standards for sustainable management.

Eighty percent of the donations will go into a kitty and be reimbursed by Chrystophe. Once this advance has been paid back, after a few years, the money raised will be used to support other similar projects for other beneficiaries, with PLANTONS pour l’avenir.

Project type



Chrystophe, living in the locality of Moulin Bas

Number of trees

2,800 trees to be planted for a lasting population of 664

Species planted

Forest trees: black alders on 1.21 hectares; Robinias on 2.15 hectares; and small-leaved lime trees on 0.20 hectares


PLANTONS pour l’Avenir

© Plantons pour l’avenir

Works timeline

Groundworks in spring 2018 : mechanical, over 4.25 hectares – preparing the slopes, digging ditches for managing run-off.

Planting in autumn 2018 : supplying Robinias (2.15 hectares – 1,550 seedlings), black alders (1.21 hectares – 1,050 seedlings), small-leaved lime trees (0.20 hectares – 200 seedlings); preparing the planting holes to a density of 1,200 per hectare (4-metres x 2-metres); putting up fencing (every other seedling) to keep off deer.

Maintenance all through 2019: replacing failed seedlings (infill) and weeding to reduce competition with seedlings (‘clearance’), plus a second maintenance operation for clearance.

Thinning (selecting trees): thinning out the least robust trees, plus any that are sick, split, or damaged by wildlife, to support growth of the most promising trees over the first three decades.

Felling: selective cutting after 40 years to preserve a permanent forest canopy of between 150 to 200 adult trees per hectare. Selective cutting enables the introduction of younger seedling to grow a forest with trees of differing ages, which in turn promotes biodiversity.


The private endowment fund PLANTONS pour l’avenir, created in September 2014, is both apolitical and independent. Reviving forestation in France through sustainable management forms part of of its public interest vocation to defend the natural environment.

The fund falls perfectly in line with the French law on the Future of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (N° 2014-1170, 13 October 2014, article 67), which acknowledges the public interest: ‘protecting woods and forest as well as enhancing them and reforestation through sustainable management’.


The outstanding sum of €3,141.25 has already been raised.

The beneficiary will self-finance the project to the sum of €4,720, with ADEME/Occitanie contributing €11,032.90.

©2025 A Tree For You


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