General terms and Conditions of Use

I. General terms and Conditions of Use


A Tree for You (ATFY) is a not-for-profit association (law 1901) working to promote human development in harmony with the environment. Since 2017, it has been operating fair trade tree planting projects in France and around the world, working closely with NGOs and local communities to maximise both the social and environmental impacts of the projects.

Individuals, institutions, and companies can support the Associataion’s planting projects by donating in exchange for a tax receipt.

A Tree for You selects local NGOs and co-constructs the projects with them thanks to its committee of recognised, independent, volunteer experts. The projects implemented and monitored over time by the Association deliver long-term impact for future generations: soil stabilisation, tackling climate change, resilience of local communities, enriching biodiversity, regulating the water cycle.


The ‘User’ is defined in Article 4.1 of the RGPD, as a natural or legal person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular with reference to an identifier, such as a name, an identification number, an online identifier.

The ‘Contribution’ is a financial contribution to the A Tree for You association to enable it to carry out its missions. This contribution may or may not be tax deductible, depending on the laws in force.

How does it work?

  1. The individual or company User makes a Contribution on the A Tree for You website or via a partner who ‘broadcasts’ their donation offer or on the association’s bank account.

  2. Once the Contribution has been made, A Tree for You automatically creates a Donor Space for the User.

  3. The User receives news of the projects they are supporting throughout their implementation.

  4. The User may, if necessary, download their tax receipt from their Donor Space on the A Tree for You website.

Conditions and Restrictions:

One-off donation

Choosing to make a Contribution to A Tree for You is entirely optional for the individual or corporate User. The amount of the donation is free.

By choosing to make a Contribution to A Tree for You, the individual or company User acknowledges and accepts that the amount of the Contribution, the date of the Contribution and his/her personal data (surname, first name and email address of the User or company representative, name of the company if applicable, postal address of the User) will be collected.

The Association uses this information to create a Donor Area where the individual or company User can find their Contributions, receive news about the projects supported, receive information from the A Tree for You association and, where applicable, access their tax receipt.

The individual or company User has the right to access, rectify, and delete personal data about him/her and the right to request the processing be limited. They may exercise this right directly with A Tree for You by writing to or by post to A TREE FOR YOU, Protection des Données Personnelles, Péniche India Tango, 1 port des Champs Élysées, 75008 Paris, France, indicating their surname, first name, and e-mail address.

Some ‘distributor’ partners allow anonymous donations. In this case, no Donor Space is generated following the Contribution. A Tree for You only receives the Contribution amount, the date, and sometimes the project selected.

Out of the Contributions paid, following the choice of a project:

  • a minimum of 80% is used solely for the selected project;
  • a maximum of 13% is used by A Tree for You to manage all its projects (project selection, fundraising costs, monitoring, and communications);
  • 7% is used to cover A Tree for You’s overheads (fundraising costs and day-to-day running costs);

The User accepts that planting projects may be subject to natural, human or climatic hazards that may alter their expected results. The A Tree for You association cannot be held responsible for a project not being carried out or for a plantation being halted.

In the event of unforeseen circumstances, the funds from a project that has not been completed or is suspended may be used for another project. A Tree for You will then inform the Users who supported the project in question of the new allocation planned for the remaining funds. These Users can then object to the new allocation – via return e-mail to – and request that their Contribution be allocated to another project of their choice open to funding on the A Tree for You website.

In the event of a budget remaining from the funds solely intended for the project (the 80% mentioned above) on a closed project, having fulfilled its objectives, A Tree for You undertakes to transfer this amount to another planting project and to inform the User of this.

Monthly donation

The User can decide to make a monthly donation (Monthly Contribution) of a free amount to A Tree for You. In this case, A Tree for You will deduct the amount indicated by the User once a month until the end of the validity of the credit card used.

If the User is not already a donor, a donor space will be created for him/her so as to receive news about the projects supported, retrieve their tax receipt, manage their communication preferences, and consult and/or delete monthly donations.

The User may at any time, from their Donor Area, decide to stop their monthly Contribution. If the User wishes to change the amount of his/her Contribution, they must stop the current Monthly Contribution and make a new Monthly Contribution with the new amount.

The monthly Contributions are allocated by the A Tree for You teams to its priority projects or sometimes to the association’s overheads. Every month A Tree for You will inform the User by e-mail of the allocation of his/her Contribution. The User cannot oppose the allocation choices of the A Tree for You teams.

Gift donation

The User may also gift one or more trees to a person of his/her choice. To do this, the User selects the plantation project and number of trees they wish to gift. In their basket, they identify the recipient of the gift by giving their surname, first name, e-mail address, and leaving them a personal message. The recipient will receive an e-mail informing them of the gift. The gift recipient and the User will have a donor space at A Tree for You and both will receive news of the selected projects. Finally, the User remains the donor and will be able to download their tax receipt, which is not the case for the gift recipient.


Contributions are not refundable under any circumstances.

Tax deduction

All Contributions made on this site to A Tree for You are deductible from income tax up to 66% of the sums paid within the limit of 20% of taxable income for an individual (article 200-1-b of the French General Tax Code) and 60% for a company (article 238 bis-1-a of the French General Tax Code) if the User is domiciled for tax purposes in France.

Users resident in a European Union country, the United Kingdom or Switzerland can also retrieve their French tax receipt in their Donor Area. The tax arrangements for their donation depend on the laws in force in their country of residence.

The tax receipt corresponding to the Contributions is available onthe Donor Page (in the ‘my donations’ section, then ‘tax receipts’). The User must enter and check his/her postal details on their profile. The tax receipt for year A can be downloaded at the beginning of the following year, year A+1. This means if several Contributions are made in the same year, there will be a single receipt showing all the Contributions made in the same tax year.

Click here for the procedure on downloading your tax receipt.

II. Protection of personal data


The association A Tree for You makes every effort to process personal data in accordance with the European General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (RGPD) published in the Official Journal of the European Union and in force since 25 May 2018.

The GDPR requires the provision of concise, transparent, understandable, and easily accessible information to data subjects affected by data processing. Thus, prior to the provision of data, when making a Contribution for example, Users are informed how their data will be used and must give their consent to the processing of their data, or they may object. In the event of opposition, continued browsing of the site, in the case of a Contribution for example, may be blocked and the transaction underway cancelled.


Personal data, hereinafter ‘Personal Data’, is defined according to Article 4 1§ of the RGPD as any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

The processing of personal data, hereinafter referred to as ‘Processing’, is defined in accordance with Article 4 §2 of the GDPR as any operation or set of operations carried out by automated means and applied to data or sets of data, such as, in particular, collection, recording, storage, consultation, and use.

The ‘User’ is designated, within the meaning of article 4 paragraph 1) of the RGPD, as a natural or legal person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular with reference to an identifier, such as a name, an identification number, or an online identifier.

Who is responsible for processing the data collected?

The association A Tree for You acts as data controller for collecting and processing personal data.

The association A TREE FOR YOU, whose registered office is located at Péniche India Tango, 1 port des Champs Elysées, 75008 Paris, France Siret N° 822 579 850 00014 – code APE 9499Z.

As the data controller, A Tree for You wishes to ensure a high level of protection for the Personal Data of the persons concerned at all stages of processing (collection, storage, destruction, etc.).

What data is collected and for what purpose?

In accordance with the principle of minimisation set out in the General Data Protection Regulation, processing of the data collected is designed to limit the amount of data processed from the outset. For example, personal data is requested to process a Contribution, establish correspondence, provide a tax receipt, submit a job application, conclude a transaction or offer a better service. Information is marked with an asterisk (*) when it is needed by A Tree for You to manage Contributions.

The User can visit the A Tree for You website without having to declare his/her identity or provide any personal information.

The surname, first name, e-mail address, postal address, and company name are collected on the A Tree for You site when a Contribution is made. The Association uses this information to create a Donor Space for the User (individual or company) so that the latter can follow the Contributions made, receive news of the projects supported, receive information from the association A Tree for You, and download his/her tax receipt.

The User also joins A Tree for You’s internal social network.He/she joins the social network of the project(s) supported, enabling him/her to receive news of the projects throughout their implementation. The User can also join the group of the partner ‘diffuser’ on A Tree for You’s website if the Contribution was not made on A Tree for You’s site but via a ‘diffuser’ of the Association’s donation offer. This group keep track of a User’s origins and may communicate specifically about the partnership.

The parameters of the User’s Donor Space limits the sources of information and means of receiving them.

A Tree for You may use the email address or social network (project or partner group) to communicate with Users for purposes of information, collecting Contributions, or managing the website, for example.

The partners known as ‘diffusers’, who will have directed Users to the A Tree for You site, thus diffusing its offer of donation, will collect on behalf of A Tree for You the personal data of the Users concerned, i.e. the identity (surname and first name) of these Users, their email address, information on the Contributions made (amounts and projects). In this case, the partners known as ‘distributors’ and A Tree for You guarantee to comply, individually and separately, with the Personal Data Regulations, and to assume all the responsibilities and obligations incumbent upon them as Data Processors.

Following any injunction from the legal authorities or in order to defend its rights or those of its employees, customers or any other person, A Tree for You may nevertheless communicate this data to legally authorised bodies and authorities.

Apart from the cases specified above, personal data will not be communicated to other third parties in any form whatsoever.

Purposes and legal basis

In accordance with the principle of data minimisation laid down in Article 5 c) of the RGPD, only data needed to achieve the objectives set out in advance is collected. Accordingly, personal data is processed for the following purposes:

  1. Project news, monitoring news from A Tree for You, greetings and new offers, based on the User’s consent (article 6 §1 a) of the RGPD)

  2. Creation of a donor space on the website in order to track donations, receive news about the projects supported, and download the tax receipt (Article 6 §1 c) of the RGPD)

  3. Consulting job offers in order to complete pre-contractual measures and the possible carrying out of job interviews (Article 6 §1 c) of the RGPD)

  4. Collection of cookies on the basis of consent (article 6 §1 a) of the RGPD)

How long is the data kept?

In accordance with article 5 d) of the RGPD, personal data collected and processed for the aforementioned purposes is kept for a limited period of time and the strictly necessary to achieve the stated objectives.

Type of data


Retention period

Identification data (surname, first name, e-mail and possibly postal address, identifier) Access to the donor area

Downloading tax receipts

Donation tracking

Receiving newsletters (project news and other communications about A Tree for You’s activities)

Five years from the last contact with the User

Professional data

Job applications, volunteer work, internships, etc.

Employees and trainees

Job or internship Candidate: one month after hiring

data archived for five years after the end of the employment contract, limited internal accessibility

Browsing data and cookies

Collection of cookies when browsing the website

For the duration of the session or no longer than 72 hours

Data relating to contracts and agreements signed

Meeting contractual obligations

Five years after end of the contract/agreement

What measures are taken to protect the security, integrity, and confidentiality of data?

A Tree for You undertakes to take all necessary precautions to safeguard its files and its computer system, especially to prevent the User’s personal information from being distorted, damaged, or accessed by unauthorised third parties. The User’s personal information is sent to and stored by the hosting company OVH SAS, whose head office is located at 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 ROUBAIX – France.

What rights do Users have?

Users have the right to access, modify, rectify, and delete their personal data. In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, they also benefit from the right to data portability, which means Users can recover the data they have provided in an easily reusable form and, where appropriate, transfer it to a third party.

To exercise these rights, Users simply need to log on to their Donor Area (go to ‘my account’, ‘settings’), or make a request online at or by post to A TREE FOR YOU, Protection des Données Personnelles, Péniche India Tango, 1 port des Champs Elysées, 75008 Paris, France, giving their surname, first name, and e-mail address.

Use of cookies

A Tree for You uses cookies to process donation requests, better understand the User’s needs, and personalise the services offered on its we site. A cookie is a computer file stored on the hard disk of the User’s computer. It serves to show the User has visited the site.

Cookies memorise the time the User visits the site, his/her identity (known thanks to a double-encrypted value of his/her username and password) and the contents of his/her shopping basket. Once disconnected from the site, this information is stored, depending on the cookie, for the duration of the session and for no more than 72 hours in the case of cookies used to track purchases, before being permanently deleted. Only the A Tree for You site can decode the encrypted content of the cookie.

A Tree for You also uses cookies for audience measurement solutions, in accordance with RGPD directives.

When using cookies, A Tree for You follows the RGPD rules on doing so do without obtaining consent from the User, with maximum respect for his/her personal data.

The User may oppose the recording of cookies by configuring their Internet browser. In this case, the User loses all customisation of the service offered on the site.

III. Legal information



This website is published by: A TREE FOR YOU, association under French law 1901

SIRET: 822 579 850 00014

Head office:

Péniche India Tango,

1 port des Champs Elysées,

75008 Paris


Publication manager: Joëlle Touré



This site is hosted by: OVH, SAS with capital of €50,000,000

RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045 – code APE 2620Z – VAT n° FR 22 424 761 419

Registered office: 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 ROUBAIX – France

Telephone number: +33 9 72 10 10 07

Intellectual property rights

The site and each of its components, including but not limited to trademarks, logos, icons, computer graphics, and photographs, are protected under French, European and international intellectual property law. The content appearing on the site is the property of the association A Tree for You or of other companies. Any use, reproduction or representation, by any process whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever, of all or part of the site and/or the elements it comprises is not authorised without the express consent of the association A Tree for You.The trademark Trip and Tree has been registered with the INPI under number 17 4 335 737 by the association A Tree for You.

Other brands and logos appearing on the site are the exclusive property of third parties and A Tree for You holds no rights over them. They are subject to protection of intellectual property law. You may not use or reproduce the trademarks of these partners without their express authorisation. Please refer to the various third-party directives on using these trademarks.

Disclaimer of liability

While we have made every effort to ensure the reliability of the information contained on this website, A Tree for You cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions, or for consequences that may result from using this information.

A Tree for You is only bound by an obligation of means concerning the information it makes available to Users who access its website.

A Tree for You n’est tenue que d’une obligation de moyens concernant les informations qu’elle met à disposition des Utilisateurs qui accèdent à son site internet.

Furthermore, the use of hypertext links may lead to other servers over which A Tree for You has no control.


Site design and development: Denis Leclerc, Guillaume Marin

All icons used on the site are made by Freepik and downloaded from; icon made by Freepik from

The photographs used are either completely copyright-free or the rights have been transferred to A Tree for You. Wherever possible, the word DR is visible below or close to the photograph when the photograph is free of rights, or the copyright © is visible.

The first photograph of a young plant on the home page is free of copyright (DR).

The photographs used on the ‘products’ pages (to make a donation) and on the project description extract pages are the same as those used in the project descriptions. References are visible on the latter pages.

The photographs used on the ‘our roots / why plant’ page are, in order: ©APAF – Senegal, DR, ©PUR Projet / Christian LAMONTAGNE, ©A TREE FOR YOU, DR.

©2025 A Tree For You


Vous avez une question, une suggestion, ou vous désirez nous proposer un projet ...rédigez votre message et nous vous répondrons très vite. Merci à vous


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