In Kouaxoe – Togo, the project encountered some challenges

Kouaxoe - Seedlings ready to be planted ©APAF Togo

Kouaxoe, february 2020

According to the latest news we have, the villagers of Kouaxoé, highly motivated by the project, had started potting the agroforestry and forest tree seeds, as well as setting up the nursery.

Students in the village had also discovered the project, as part of an educational project at school, and participated in potting the remaining seeds.

Seed potting by the students of the Kouaxoe school ©APAF Togo

A total of 25,500 plants were produced!

Unfortunately, the difficult weather conditions, especially heavy rains, strong winds and high temperatures in the following months, took the edge off many young plants: only 14,337 survived.

The surviving seedlings were distributed to the beneficiaries in the village of Kouaxoé, as well as schools, churches and neighbouring villages keen to join the project, and were planted on the different plots.

Distributing seedlings to the beneficiaries © APAF Togo

Next steps: monitoring seedlings in the ground and creating a new nursery in order to plant the missing trees within the year and so to reach the objective of 15,000 trees installed sustainably in the Zio river valley!

Previously in Kouaxoe

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