In Madagascar, on the Mahavotra project, trees continue growing despite Covid-19

Technician Laza advising Jean-Pierre, beneficiary of the 2018-2019 planting campaign supported by A Tree For You – Manazary 2020 © Agrisud International

Lake Itasy, december 2020

How have the trees of the Mahavotra project progressed since the start of the health crisis?

This crisis did not spare the families supported by the project, particularly on a financial level, yet there has been no negative impacts on the plantations established thanks to your donations! This is good news indeed for these producers; it means that they should reap positive economic benefits over the medium term thanks to these trees.

The involvement and commitment of producers to taking care of their trees, backed by constant support from the project technicians during this difficult period, have played a key role in the positive growth of these plantations.

Group visiting a plot, led by one of the Mahavotra project technicians - Manazary, 2020 © Agrisud International

Whether face-to-face or remotely, the project technicians continued to provide the beneficiaries with technical and personalised advice.

Jean-Pierre’s ploughed plot of young pine trees - Manazary 2020 © Agrisud International

At this phase of the project, maintaining the young trees is vital. Recommendations from the technicians mainly focused on pruning to improve plant growth, but also on the various methods to protect against bushfires, common in this region of Madagascar. One of the practices for fighting these fires is ploughing (turning over the soil with a plough driven by animals or a tractor) to limit weeds that could spread fire to young trees. Jean-Pierre opted for this solution to safeguard his pine plantations.

Next article: two years on …

Previously on the project Mahavotra in Madagascar,

©2025 A Tree For You


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