August 2019, In Madagascar, teams take stock of the planting campaign

The 2018/2019 planting campaign’s team strike a pose in front of Agrisud International offices in Itasy

Itasy, August 2019

The plantation team thanks you !

Thanks to your generous donations, 266,320 plants have finally been planted by 1,100 producers over a total area of 223 ha.

If this planting campaign is a real success it is thanks to the collaboration of many actors: The Agrisud International team, the Malagasy NGO AMADESE team but also the 12 nurseries of Itasy involved in this project as well as the technicians’ team of the municipality concerned.

Interview with Antonio: one of Agrisud’s technicians

Antonio RAKOTOSON ANDRIANASOLO Technician for Agrisud in Itasy

Can you introduce yourself ?

“My name is Antonio, I’m in charge of monitoring, quality control and practical application on the Mahavotra project. During the planting campaign I was the technician in charge of collecting seedlings from nursery owners.”

What were the planting campaign’s strengths and constraints?

“This year we were able to start the campaign on time (mid-December) thanks to an early preparation conducted with the nurserymen. A much better organization and logistics than the previous campaign. But poor roads condition and long journeys with the plants didn’t facilitate our task. “

What are your expectations for the future?

“For my part I wish that another planting campaign could be done next year because many lands and many farmers still need these plantations. I would like seed to be distributed in the villages that were not a priority this year. “

A one-year-old plant inserted on a degraded area during the 2017/2018 campaign

Your donations remain essential to close the budget!

Based on an average survival rate of 45% after 3 years of planting, the new figures for this 2018/2019 planting season give us hope to expect nearly 119,844 trees in a stable situation in 2022!

But to reach or even exceed this goal, a very special attention must be paid during the first year of growth, which is a critical stage for these young plants. That’s what we are going to follow up in the next months with the technicians in charge of this monitoring.

Next article: monitoring young plants growth!

Previously in Madagascar…

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