Montmorency Forest, France, November 2024
Montmorency forest, north of Paris, is a valuable natural heritage site. Unfortunately, this historic forest has suffered a great deal of damage due to the vagaries of the climate, attacks by parasites, and increasing environmental pressure. Affected by chestnut blight, Montmorencyforest has suffered significant damage since this species currently occupies 70% of the forest. In some areas, where the trees are diseased or dead, the Office National des Forêts (ONF), a partner of A Tree for You, has had to resort to sanitary felling.
Faced with these challenges, reforestation of Montmorency is an absolute priority to safeguard its preservation and resilience.
The planting project aims to breathe new life into the forest by planting adapted species to ensure long-lasting and resilient plant cover. This ambitious initiative relies on the solidarity and support of committed private and corporate sponsors. This project has been running since 2019.
This new planting wave began during the winter of 2023/2024. A total of 5,215 trees have since been planted, with a target of 3,850 living trees by the project end. A wide variety of tree species have been introduced. To replace the diseased chestnut trees, ONF technicians planted sessile oaks, field maples, walnut, hornbeam, Corsican alders, and wild apple trees. Individual sheaths (protection around each tree) have been put in place to protect the trees from game damage, particularly deer.

A vital approach for biodiversity and the climate
Tree planting at Montmorency aims to do much more than regenerate the forest. It is helping protect local biodiversity by providing a safe and renewed habitat for plant and animal species. A healthy forest cover strengthens ecosystems, creates ecological corridors, and helps limit the impacts of climate change.
Every gesture, every tree planted, is a promise for the future. Support for this project covers a number of key phases: soil preparation, supplying and planting seedlings, as well as installing protection to safeguard growth of the young trees being funded, and monitoring over time.
During a visit to the replanted plot in March 2024, the A Tree for You team saw firsthand how well the project is being implemented and talked with ONF forestry technicians.

Yves, a forestry technician with the Val d’Oise-Saint Germain unit, explains:
“The replanted plots were originally made up of chestnut trees. Following the outbreak of ink disease, ONF resorted to sanitary felling when the trees were diseased and the pure stand could no longer regenerate naturally. Thanks to the A Tree for You sponsors, it was possible to reforest, a costly undertaking that would be difficult to finance otherwise.
We are committed to diversifying the species replanted. In this case, the sessile oaks, hornbeam, walnut, and alder trees, plus others, have been chosen to suit the soil and meet the challenges of climate change. Corsican alder and hornbeam are also companion species, and as such, good for biodiversity.
The plantations will be monitored over several years to ensure the trees develop properly. We will replant if the survival rate is less than 80%.”
The tangible impact of your support for this project
Your support is leaving a tangible and lasting mark on the Montmorency massif. This project reflects a responsible and forward-looking commitment, highlighting the importance of sponsorship for environmental initiatives.
The trees planted today will become the pillars of a resilient forest for future generations, capable of withstanding the challenges of climate change. Thanks to initiatives such as this, Montmorency forest will continue to thrive, providing a haven for biodiversity, a place for visitors to recharge their batteries, and playing a key role in regulating our climate.
Catch up soon for more news on these trees!