Village of Ambalavao, Madagascar, January 2021
Project framework
The Kolorano project in Madagascar is run by A Tree for You and Agrisud International in the Soarano drainage basin (village of Ambalavao), where soil erosion is causing water shortages.
The project aims to secure water and food supplies for 14 families (71 people) by planting 25,000 trees and sharing various agro-ecological practices.
Backing from the association Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque has enabled financing to produce 55,000 seedlings of some 10 different forest species (Eucalyptus, Acacia, Neem, Tamarindus, Tapia, Raphia, etc…), plus the producers will receive support through training and awareness raising activities.

Review of project implementation
Around 14 beneficiaries in the commune of Ambalavao are involved in this planting project, which, thanks to the commitment of Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque, kicked off in the spring of 2020.

In April 2020, seedling production started in Ambalavao’s communal nursery of. The overall objective is to produce more than 130,000 seedlings, of which 55,000 will be earmarked for the Kolorano – A Tree for You project. Among the different seedlings produced are various forest species of eucalyptus and acacia, as well as trees for agricultural or food such as neem or tapia. Ambalavao’s communal nursery has received support in terms of inputs (seeds, manure, etc.) and equipment (shade trees, watering cans, roundwood, etc.), but also through funding of temporary extra workers for certain activities (filling sheaths with substrate, in particular).

At the same time, 2 beneficiary sites were identified. Within these areas, producer plots have been chosen as well as the species that will be planted there.
A partnership agreement between Agrisud International and the Regional Department of Environment and Sustainable Development was signed to ensure awareness among local populations. Various activities linked to combating bush fires and managing the catchment area have taken place with producers, local authorities, and partners.
The project managers first received training in how to implement and monitor activities, then trained the project beneficiaries about planting methods and techniques.
In December 2020, the beneficiaries drilled the seedling planting holes. This phase involved preparing 35 hectares of degraded and steeply sloping land. The producers made the holes 40cm wide and deep, 2.5 metres apart, to accommodate 1.600 trees per hectare – a massive task!
The plantations will be in a quincunx pattern due to the steeply sloping lie of the land to be reforested. Quincunx planting creates parallel rows of trees, with every second row displaced so that each tree is at an equal distance from the other four surrounding it.

In February 2021, the seedlings will be distributed to farmers in the Kolorano project so they can establish their plantations.
The Rakotozafy family is one of project beneficiaries. Settled in Soarano since 1960, they wish to plant Eucalyptus, Acacia and Tamarindus on their land. Pierre, the head of the household, said: “I’m really interested in protecting the environment and preserving water resources in my region.”

Next step: the planting campaign.