Make a monthly donation

woocommerce spinner

Setting up a monthly donation is important for A Tree for You and will help finance tree planting projects and sometimes the association's structural costs. Every month A Tree for You will inform you of the allocation of your donation.

If you are not already a donor, a donor space will be created for you in which you can find out about the projects supported, collect your tax receipt, manage your communication preferences and consult and/or delete your monthly donations.

Billing details

Set the amount of your monthly donation*

  • Up to 66% of donations as an individual are tax deductible from your taxable income, to a limit of 20% of the taxable income, if you are a tax resident of France.
  • The French tax receipt can also be downloaded for residents of a European Union country, Switzerland or the United Kingdom.

  • PAYBOX by Verifone


©2025 A Tree For You


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