Michel and Christophe’s tree-planting project in the Indre-et-Loire department comes to an end

Overview of the planting by Michel and Christophe ©Sotteau

Indre-et-Loire department of France, October 2023

Michel and Christophe aimed to plant 447 trees on their plots. The planting began in the spring of 2020. A total of 447 trees of 22 different species have since been planted.

Species planted over  winter 2020 Number
Acer campestre – Field maple 37
Acer platanoides – Flat maple 32
Acer pseudoplatanus – Sycamore maple 37
Hippophaerhamnoides – Sea Buckthorn 15
Corylus avellana – Hazelnut 23
Carpinus betulus – Hornbeam 15
Fraxinus ornus – Flowering ash 10
Fraxinus excelsior – Common Ash 10
Gleditsia triacanthos – American Beech 12
Juglans regia – Common Walnut 14
Malus sylvestris – Wild Apple 39
Pyrus pyraster – Common pear 26
Quercus pubescens – Pubescent oak 33
Sorbus domestica – Corm tree 26
Sorbus torminalis – Chokeberry 27
Tilia platyphyllos – Basswood 23
Ulmus minor VADA® ‘Wanoux’ – Hybrid Elm VADA 5
Ulmusresista LUTECE ® – Hybrid elm LUTECE Nan 10
Sorbus Aria – White Birch 14
Paulownia tomentosa – paulownia 32
Viburnum tinus – Viburnum 12
Prunus dulcis – Almond tree 25

The two farmers were accompanied throughout the project by technicians from the French Agroforestry Association, partner of A Tree for You.

Once the trees had been planted, the farmers moved on to the maintenance and monitoring stages. The latter serves to see how the trees are developing  and determine the survival rate and causes of mortality.

For Michel and Christophe’s trees, the main causes of mortality are due to the presence of game , mainly wild boar, but also badgers, which have also caused some damage. The drought in the summer of 2022 also harmed some of the young trees, despite the quality and maintenance of the mulching carried out by the farmers.

Hedge in full growth at Michel and Christophe's home ©Sotteau

All the dead trees are gradually replaced by the farmers.

Michel and Christophe are particularly proud of the apple and pear trees they have planted, which  have grown by a remarkable 40cm! In the spring of 2023, the farmers even pruned them for the very first time – another strong sign of the success of this plantation in Indre-et-Loire.

A pear tree planted in spring 2020 ©Sotteau

Just three years after planting, the farmers are already seeing the first benefits of the trees – especially greater biodiversity thanks to the return of pollinators to the fields. In addition to their current various activities, they also have plans to introduce around 10 beehives to the farm by 2024.

Motivated by the project and deeply committed by nature, Michel and Christophe have a comprehensive vision for the farm. They aim to diversify activities and are keen to create a biodiversity reserve, as well as opening up the farm to the public. As Michel explains – “it’s a site where everything is done to create an environment that favours biodiversity and respects nature and humans, all within a viable economic framework and with the goals of minimising the use of machinery, reducing inputs, and no-tillage (without disturbing the soil).”

Every year on Saint Catherine’s Day, Michel and Christophe organise a ‘tree festival’ at their home in Ferrière-sur-Beaulieu to showcase their pilot farm and  discuss agro-ecological issues. They are also selling tree and shrub seedlings to encourage other farmers to plant trees.

In conclusion, this agroforestry project run by AFAF and A Tree for You has proved a resounding success. The objective of planting 477 permanent trees has been achieved, and will very soon bring biodiversity, fruit, and a pleasant micro-climate to the farm. We wish Michel and Christophe every success in the future!

Previously on Michel and Christophe’s project

©2025 A Tree For You


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