Tena, Ecuador, February 2023
In the canton of Tena in the Ecuadorian Amazon, the 14,183 trees planted between September 2021 and January 2022, in the communities of Santo Urku and Kachiwañushka, are continuing to grow. So too are the 3,850 trees planted in November 2022 in Kachiwañushka to compensate for the mortality identified over the previous six months. In total, the plantation now has 14 wood tree species (most of which are endangered), as well as 16 fruit trees species adapted to the area and needs of the local people.
The lands of these communities have been severely degraded by mining companies prospecting for gold and corn monoculture. Consequently the area is extremely poor and faces tough socio-economic and environmental challenges. Thanks to agroforestry (trees in the midst of crops) they will be able to diversify their sources of income and significantly improve their diet.
Forestry engineers from the local NGO Ishpingo are still visiting each plot to make sure the trees are growly properly among the 35 project beneficiaries and train the latter in tree maintenance. They check the plots are well maintained (weeds can smother young trees), that there is not too much shade, and that any associated crops are not interfering with tree growth. The soil and plants are also carefully observed for possible deficiencies or diseases.
During these visits the survival rate of the seedlings has been measured. Out of the 35 plots, 84% had a survival rate of over 80%, of which 3 plots had a plant survival rate of over 90%. On 5 plots, the results are less convincing, so, to compensate the mortality, 3,850 new trees were distributed among the most motivated project beneficiaries planted with them.
During 2023, there will be close and regular monitoring. The beneficiaries who received the new trees in 2022 will benefit from plenty of support from Ishpingo to ensure these plantations achieve an optimal survival rate.
Thank you for your support and catch up soon for more news from the field!

“Hello. My name is Noémie and I’m from the community of Kachiwanushka – Barrio San Andres. I’m quite shy but I would just like to thank the NGO Ishpingo for helping us plant many different trees on our farms. Here where we had a mining project that destroyed our land and contaminated the water.
We all took part in the Mingas (community work day) and it was nice to share the experience and learn more about agroforestry. I am most interested in fruit, for my children and also to sell. My husband is more interested in wood. We planted everything on the plot. Every month we go around it to clean the trees – they are growing really well. I can’t wait to see my first fruit, so I can eat them and make juice! The species planted were almost non-existent here before. So these trees will provide seeds we can use to build up our own little nursery, to continue planting and not be left without trees.”