Background & challenges
The mangrove forest, lying between land and sea, is an integral part of New Caledonia’s ecosystem. It also plays a key role, both physically and ecologically, in coastal conservation, particularly by acting as a barrier against erosion and rising sea levels, as well as providing resources for local populations. There are also many traditional uses for mangroves, which play multiple roles in the culture of coastal communities too.
Unfortunately, mangroves are among the ecosystems most under threat from population growth in coastal areas and over-exploitation. SOS Mangroves and CALEDOCLEAN, two New Caledonian NGOs, are joining forces to restore mangroves in urban areas. The project is situated at the mouth of the La Coulée river in Le Mont-Dore. Urbanisation and the accumulation of tailings from mining operations have seriously degraded the mangroves growing here. This project aims to enrich and protect the biodiversity of the coastline by planting mangrove trees to help restore the mangrove corridors.
The project activities – from planting the seedlings in nurseries to planting and monitoring the mangroves – will involve young adults aged between 18 and 25 currently being reintegrated into society. This rehabilitation programme has been run by the NGO SOS Mangroves for almost ten years. This social approach, combined with environmental protection, should teach these young people how to replant different mangrove species and manage a nursery in the future to meet demands, depending on climate variations.
The aim is to plant 7,000 seedlings over five years, which will deliver many benefits, namely:
- the water cycle: mangroves are recognised as natural ‘purification stations’, and as such purify sites that can then be restored, mainly in urban or suburban areas. Overflow can be better managed during floods caused by depressions, cyclones, etc. The filtration capacity of mangroves also allows for better management of certain pollutants;
- biodiversity: restoring the site will boost its role as a refuge for many species of fish, birds, molluscs, etc. Flora will also flourish thanks to the better quality soil and water;
- soil: restoring this site will benefit the soil by enriching it with carbon, fixing sediment, and and stabilising the coastline;
- for local communities: the ‘reintegration’ aspect of the project will give young adults a second chance and train them in occupations that will help them tackle the challenges of climate change.
Project type


Local residents and fishermen
Number of trees

7,000 trees will remain for several years after planting a total of 10,000
Species planted

7,000 Rhizophora stylosa and Rhizophora samoensis plants
2,500 Bruguiera gymnorhiza plants
500 Excoecaria agallocha plants


Works timeline
2022 to 2027: annual calendar for the nurseries supplying the project.
- January to May: Rhizophora picking, creation and nursery period
- June to July: nursery maintenance period
- August to October: picking, creation and nursery period for Bruguiera plants
- November to December: nursery maintenance period
Annual planting schedule 2023 to 2028:
- March and April: Bruguiera planting
- September to November: Rhizophora planting
The same schedule will apply for the five years of planting (2,000 plants per year, with a target of 10,000 by the project end).
2029 to 2031: monitoring and maintenance of mangroves planted.
The plants be monitored, maintained, and replanted throughout the project duration. There will also be a three-year follow-up period after planting.
Planting partners
SOS Mangroves is a 1901 French law association that has been battling since 2007 to protect endangered urban and suburban mangroves with the support of local populations. The association’s mission is to raise awareness among local populations through various actions in the field. The areas to be restored meet requests for support from associations, companies, students, and private individuals, in order to continue introducing the concept of participative dynamics, of reintegrating young people in social difficulties.
SOS Mangroves creates nurseries to replantsites degraded by various impacts with regeneration potential. Around 10,000 young mangroves have been planted in Noumea and Greater Noumea over four years, with a success rate of 60-70%. The main aim is to preserve the environmental and cultural heritage by helping mangroves resist the multiple pressures of galloping urban development, given the global stakes involved and the many services that mangroves provide with regards food, coastal erosion, sanitation, and as a carbon sink.
The association organises and supports actions promoting sustainable development throughout New Caledonia.
Its missions include:
- organising clean-up operations at polluted sites (beaches, mangroves, squats, neighbourhoods, tribes, etc.);
- collecting recyclable materials and transporting them to local processing companies for recycling;
- surveying areas affected by litter, end-of-life vehicles, and other pollution caused by the accumulation of waste;
- acting as a local contact point for Les Bouchons d’Amour operations (developing the network for collecting plastic corks, managing logistics and exports for recycling, establishing new partnerships, and setting up aid projects for the disabled in France);
- reforestation operations to restore forest areas and reintroduce endangered endemic for botanical conservation;
- setting up partnerships with nurseries to produce seedlings;
- eradicatinginvasive exotic plant species and maintaining reforested areas;
- raising awareness by organising or taking part in events for the general public + support for eco-design and assistance for waste management with Eco Brigade Caledoclean;
- promoting eco-citizenship among young people through joint initiatives with institutions, community centres, and schools.
The total budget to be raised is €98,000, i.e. €14 per perennial tree,
- 93% of which is earmarked for the planting project, broken down as follows:
- Planting materials: €0.34
- Labour and social reintegration: €8.78
- Technical support for the project and monitoring plots: €0.94
- SOS Mangroves and CALEDOCLEAN organisation costs: €1.02
- Risks and contingencies: €0.12
- A Tree for You’s collection, monitoring, and communication costs (13%): €1.82
- and 7% (€0.98) for A Tree for You’s overheads.