One year later, where are we with the Tove Banu project in Togo?

Tove Banu (Togo), february 2020

A year ago, the farmers of Tove Banu enthusiastically welcomed the A Tree for You project and a group was quickly formed to start potting seeds.

Thanks to your donations and the strong participation of all team members, the nursery was installed and, thanks to good maintenance, has produced 9,880 seedlings, including 9,000 cocoa and 880 agroforestry and forest trees.

Tove Banu - Distribution of seedlings to beneficiaries © APAF Togo

The seedlings were distributed to 32 beneficiaries and have all been planted. Soon they will benefit the entire community of the Tove Banu village!

Beneficiary nurserymen and farmers © APAF Togo

Next steps: follow-up of seedlings in the ground and nursery maintenance to install the 720 missing trees – in order to reach the set objective of 10,600 trees within the year!

Previously in Tove Banu

©2025 A Tree For You


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