Alpes-de-Hautes-Provence department of France, July 2024
Pierre, a farmer growing ancient wheats in Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, is seeing his land being increasingly affected by extreme weather events such as droughts and storms.To improve the soil fertility and also add biodiversity, he wants to reintroduce 1,440 trees of 25 different species to his plots.
Pierre started planting at the beginning of 2022 and will continue until February 2023, planting 1/3 of the planned target.
This winter (2023/2024), he completed planting on the plots adjoining his house. All in all, 108 new trees, shrubs, and bushes were planted in December 2023, in addition to those replanted in previous planting seasons. The irrigation system put in place means that the young plants have a better survival rate, especially after summer heatwaves. What’s more, the very wet winter of 2023/2024 greatly boosted development of the trees planted.
During three years of planting, 673 of the 1,440 trees of over 30 different species have been introduced thanks to your support.
The farmer plans to plant the remaining 767 seedlings over the next two winters.

A technical visit of Pierre’s plantation took place at the beginning of January 2024. During the day’s work, the technician studied the plantations and gave advice for the future. He noticed that Pierre’s plots were frequently visited by game, which pose a potential risk of damaging the young plants. Hence the suggestion Pierre plant pleated hedges, with one tree plant every six metres of hornbeam, Bohemian olive, hawthorn, and blackthorn. The formation of hedges with pleated edges would create a natural barrier preventing game from accessing the plots. It would also be cheaper than investing in electric fencing equipment.
Catch up soon for more news from the field!