In Armenia, planting project postponed after tough year for Armenians

Saplings from the Margahovit village nursery, that will be planted in the Dzoraglukh village community forest ©Shen NGO
Saplings from the Margahovit village nursery, that will be planted in the Dzoraglukh village community forest ©Shen NGO

Village of Dzoraglukh, Armenia, December 2020

Through your support the project is fully funded. Many thanks!

The reforestation project kicked off in spring 2020 in the village of Dzoraglukh. It aims to plant a forest of 20 800 lasting trees on five hectares of community land.

As a first step, the community council officially allocated land for the project that was previously used as pasture. The forest scheme subsequently drawn up includes areas of mixed forest, with trees and bushes.

Soil preparation work and installing irrigation networks coincided with the outbreak of the Covid-19 health crisis in Armenia.

Villagers of Dzoraglukh, Armenia, are installing irrigation pipes to bring water to the forest area ©Shen NGO
Villagers of Dzoraglukh, Armenia, are installing irrigation pipes to bring water to the forest area ©Shen NGO

Carrying out the work proved difficult, due to lockdown and travel restrictions, yet two hectares of land were prepared for planting. Irrigation was also built to bring water to the area.

“Education and Ecology” textbook is being distributed among teachers and schoolchildren of Dzoraglukh village ©Shen NGO
“Education and Ecology” textbook is being distributed among teachers and schoolchildren of Dzoraglukh village ©Shen NGO

The project also includes an educational objective that seeks to raise awareness among the local population of issues around protecting nature, particularly among the youngest generation.

To this end, teaching sessions were organised at Dzoraglukh secondary school and a textbook – Education and Ecology, edited by the Shen NGO – distributed to the village teachers and students. This manual and many others are accessible on Shen NGO’s website.

Saplings in Margahovit village nursery that will be planted in spring 2021 to create mixed forest belts ©Shen NGO

In addition to the global pandemic, on 27 September 2020 war broke out between Armenia and Azerbaijan, in the region of Nagorno-Karabakh, mobilising the whole country. A Tree for You and local Armenian NGO partner Shen NGO decided to postpone the project for one year. This decision will ensure the local teams carry out the project in the best possible conditions.

Thus the first planting operation – to introduce 10,400 trees – will take place in spring 2021. Next, a further 10,400 trees will be planted in spring 2022 and 5,200 trees in spring 2023.

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