Project in four villages in Togo ends and objectives achieved, even overcome!

Project beneficiary during the maintenance of fertilizer trees planted in his maize field ©APAF Togo
Project beneficiary during the maintenance of fertilizer trees planted in his maize field ©APAF Togo

Bolou Ativimé, Bolou Gatigbé, Bolou Agbadomé, and Bolou Klokpoe, Togo, March 2023

Summary of project goals

The agroforestry and forestry project was carried out in  the villages of Bolou Ativimé, Bolou Gatigbé, Bolou Agbadomé, and Bolou Klokpoe, located in the Zio river valley. It involved planting fertilizer and fruit trees on farmers’ plots to enrich biodiversity and soils, and so boost yields of food crops and avoid having to use chemical inputs and GMO seeds.

To deliver these benefits, 65,000 trees of around ten different species were planted by more than 2,000 beneficiaries from the four villages, which is higher than the initial objectives.

Overview of the different stages of the project

The project started in January 2020 in the four villages with a presentation to inhabitants of the project and its benefits by technicians romf APAF Togo. Next, interested farmers could sign up to become beneficiaries. As participants, they were trained in agroforestry, gained awareness of climate change and bush fire impacts,  and played an active role in setting up and running the community nursery.

In the four villages, Samanea samane, Albizzia Stipulata, Terminalia superba, Albizia lebbeck, Khaya grandifoliola, Tectona grandis, and Gmelina arborea seedlings were produced in the nursery with support from local technicians.

In particular, beneficiaries took part in building shade houses, potting and aligning sachets, pre-germination of fertilizer and forest tree seeds, transplanting seedlings, and looking after  and watering seedlings up until their distribution.

Once the seedlings reached maturity, they were distributed to the beneficiaries who were then responsible for planting them. At this stage they were accompanied by technicians from the local NGO APAF Togo. The species planted by the village participants are as follows:

Speecies planted Ativime Gatigblé Klokpoé Agbadomé Total Percentage
Albizia lebbeck 1,475 3,270 2,481 1,500 8,726 13.3%
Samanea saman  2,250 3,090 2,400 2,650 10,390 15.84%
Albizia stipulata 1,250 3,690 2,700 1,200 8,840 13.47%
Khaya grandifoliola 2,550 3,185 1,850 2,400 9,985 15.22%
Terminalia superba 2,650 3,500 3,550 2,550 12,250 18.67%
Tectona grandis 2,500 2,625 1,850 1,950 8,925 13.6%
Gmelina arborea     500   500 0.76%
Persea americana 0 376 50 0 426 0.65%
Citrus limon 0 1,100 2,315 1,900 5,315 8,1%
Cola nitida 50 50 100 50 250 0.38%
Total 12,725 20,886 17,796 14,200 65,607 100%

Once the trees were planted, monitoring and maintenance of the plots by the beneficiaries began. The latter had been trained and follow-up visits by the technicians ensured the training was being put to proper use in the field.

During these visits, the technicians checked the plots were being well maintained (weeds can choke young trees), that there was not too much shade and associated crops were not hindering tree growth. The technicians also took the opportunity to assess the survival rate of the trees planted and advise the beneficiaries.

Paul, local technician, giving pruning training on an Albizia stipulata ©APAF Togo
Paul, local technician, giving pruning training on an Albizia stipulata ©APAF Togo

The project has achieved its objectives and the beneficiaries are delighted!

Great news, three years after planting, the results obtained for the project exceed initial objectives! The survival rate of the trees is good: 88.41% survival for fertility trees, 78.75% for forest trees, and 90.04% for fruit trees.

Indicators Target  results Bolou Ativémé Bolou Gatigblé Bolou Agbadomé Klokpé Final results
Beneficiaries trained 1,600 434 550 495 600 2,079
Total trees planted 40,000 11,453 17,952 12,134 13,505 55,044
Fertiliser trees 25,000 4,552 8,819 4,780 6,566 24,717
Forest trees 11,500 5,851 8,040 5,366 5,676 24,933
Fruit trees 3,500 1,050 1,093 1,988 1,263 5,394

The beneficiaries chose to plant more forest trees in the surrounding savannahs than originally planned. This was because of the severe lack of fuelwood and timber in the area. They also asked to plant more fruit trees for their own use and to generate extra income.

Follow-up and maintenance visit of the trees planted with the beneficiaries ©APAF Togo
Follow-up and maintenance visit of the trees planted with the beneficiaries ©APAF Togo

The close collaboration between the beneficiaries and the local NGO APAF Togo at every state in the project implementation is one reason why the activities proved a success. The beneficiaries are keen for this project to continue in the area. A Tree for You has therefore decided to continue supporting this project in the region, together with APAF Togo, and finance planting of more trees with other beneficiaries. A new project will soon be open for funding on A Tree for You’s website.

Khaya grandifolia, 2 metres tall @APAF Togo
Khaya grandifolia, 2 metres tall @APAF Togo

Previously in 4 villages in Togo

©2025 A Tree For You


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