Tena, Ecuador, May 2023
Project objectives – a reminder:
After an initial project carried out in Tena in 2019, A Tree for You, along with its partners the GoodPlanet Foundation and Ishpingo, are extending their partnership to preserve the primary forest of the Ecuadorian Amazon. The latter is suffering from selective deforestation and a significant loss of biodiversity. The project therefore aims to:
- develop tree nurseries for local species that have become rare;
- reforest plots belonging to smallholders to provide them with readily available wood and fruit, and so boost their self-sufficiency;
- protect the Amazon rainforest.
This plantation also forms part of a wider project to establish a sustainable agroforestry model (trees amidst crops or livestock). Expected project outcomes:
- 6,669 forest trees planted, of which 5,335 perennial
- 3,331 fruit trees planted, of which 2,665 perennial
- 48 beneficiary families
This represents a total of 10,000 trees planted, of which 8,000 long-lasting.
Overview of the different stages of the project:
From March to August 2020, three community nurseries were set up in the project villages of Sindy, San Carlos, and Santo Urku. At the time, Covid-19 was raging all over the world, making it difficult to travel between the different areas. Observing safety precautions, the work nevertheless proceeded with just a slight delay.
The following plants were produced and distributed:
- San Carlos nursery: 1,434 timber seedlings and 763 fruit seedlings produced, totalling 2,197 seedlings for distribution among 11 beneficiaries;
- Sindy nursery: 3,933 timber seedlings and 1,917 fruit seedlings produced, totalling 5,850 seedlings for distribution among 27 beneficiaries;
- Santo Urku nursery: 1,302 timber seedlings and 664 fruit seedlings produced, totalling 1,966 seedlings for distribution among 10 beneficiaries.
Planting was carried out between November 2020 and February 2021.
In 2021 and 2022, monitoring and training activities ran almost normally despite a general strike that paralysed the country, as well as the Covid-19 pandemic.
The half-yearly visits to the plantations were attended by most of the farmers. This meant local technicians could give individual training on plot maintenance, shade management,and pruning young trees right from the outset.
In December 2022, two auditors from A Tree for You performed a technical audit. They analysed the project by visiting 14 plots managed by beneficiaries from the different planting phases supported by A Tree for You. They also learned about other activities carried out by local NGO partner Ishpingo.

Difficulties encountered during the project:
The project encountered a number of difficulties, notably linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. These were overcome by implementing strict security measures.
There were a few changes to the varieties planted in the nursery. Five varieties could not be planted due to a lack of available seeds and germination issues. They were replaced by other species.
Finally, in June 2022, a general strike paralysed the whole country. Plot monitoring activities were temporarily suspended, then postponed to September 2022.

The project has achieved its objectives and beneficiaries are delighted!
The final visit to the plots of all 48 beneficiaries of phase II of the project took place at the beginning of 2023. Since planting, the local teams have visited each plot four times for monitoring purposes. The survival rate on the plots is just over 80%. So the project has reached its objectives and over 8,000 perennial trees have been planted involoving 48 beneficiaries.
In February and March 2023, to bring the project to a close, 31 farmers with well-kept plots each received seven citrus trees to plant on their plots (three orange, three mandarin and one lemon). This served as a token of appreciation for their hard work and dedication throughout the project. These plants were financed from the budget outstanding from the project.

A Tree for You is still supporting Ishpingo in the field and recently launched a new planting phase in Tena with new beneficiaries. The aim is to make the project sustainable by rolling it out on a larger scale: https://www.atreeforyou.org/en/ecuador-tena-2023-participatory-reforestation-in-the-ecuadorian-amazon/