The planting campaign is launched in Soarano !

The Soarano community, ready for the planting day, Madagascar

Village of Ambalavao, Madagascar, April 2021

Heavy rain fell at the beginning of February in the Soarano watershed, creating ideal conditions for starting to plant the 55,000 seedlings produced by the local nursery in Ambalavao one month earlier.

Transport of seedlings to the reforestation sites by the local producers, Madagascar

Producers are supported by the project team yet, depending on their availability, remain in charge of the planting activities on their respective plots.

Mass reforestation days organised to accelerate the planting campaign mobilised a number of participants  from the town of Ambalavao.

About 10 different species were planted. Forest species such as Eucalyptus robusta, Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus grandis. Agricultural trees such as Neem Azadirachta indica and food trees including Tapia Uapaca bojeri, Moringa oleifera and Tamarindus indica.

Mass reforestation with the stakeholders of the territory, Madagascar

This planting campaign is set to prove successful because, on the one hand, the producers fully understand the planting techniques (best hole sizes, mulching, etc.); while on the other, planting took place at the right moment, i.e. during the rainy season.

Acacia seedling with mulching to preserve dampness and Profile of a tree planter, Madagascar

The different species planted will curb erosion while increasing water infiltration and available storage in the phreatic zone of the watershed.

The forest plantations especially encourage carbon storage in the soil, which helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG).

Planting trees through the Kolorano project is not only contributing to securing water and food supplies for the producers but also tackling climate change.

Next step: planting assessment.

Previously on the Kolorano project

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