Tena, Ecuador, December 2021
In the canton of Tena, in the Ecuadorian Amazon, the 10,013 trees planted between March and August 2021 in the three Kichwa communities are growing in extremely good conditions! A total of 15 timber species and 16 fruit species were planted. Thanks to your support, 48 farmers in the communities of Sindy, San Carlos and Santo Urku will be able to improve their standard of living and will not be tempted to cut down trees in the neighbouring national parks.
Forestry engineers from the local NGO Ishpingo have made follow-up visits to each of the plots to ensure the trees are growing well for the 48 project beneficiaries. The survival rate of the trees is higher than expected on the project, and reaches about 85% survival, against the expected 80%! The technicians on the field check the plot is well maintained (weeds can smother young trees), that there isn’t too much shade, and whether any associated crops are hindering tree growth. The soil and young trees are also carefully observed for possible deficiencies or diseases.
During the visits, fruit trees are pruned if necessary. If there is too much shade from surrounding trees, pruning can also be done to ensure the young trees grow properly.
Each visit is also an opportunity to train producers in agroforestry and tree maintenance. This monitoring of the plots and training will continue throughout the next two years. In general, growth of the young trees is excellent on most of the plots!

Testimony of Mariana Grefa, one of the project beneficiaries, from San Carlos community:
« Hello, my name is Mariana, I am 23 years old and I am very happy to participate in the project, which allows me to plant trees, especially fruit trees, and use the fruits for my own consumption and my family’s. The timber trees will be used later for our children to build their own houses and to continue planting trees for a better planet ».