Coraline and Victor, winegrowers in the Gironde, wish to introduce 1,757 trees to their vineyard. This planting project will protect the vines from wind and the effects of climate change. The second phase will involve creating a joualles garden an ancient cultivation system combining vines growing on fruit trees and several other crops, all on the same plot of land. This will improve both yields and biodiversity, so making the farm more resilient.
95% of the donations received will be put into the project and the remaining 5% used to cover the running costs of A Tree For You
The project aims to boost the community nurseries, made up of 190 families, and reforest the region by introducing the silvopastoral approach to small dairy farmers (planting trees in their meadows) and restoring watersheds. Planting 13,000 native trees, as well as developing economic alternatives based on medicinal plants and raising environmental awareness among local inhabitants, will reconcile economic development with preservation of the rich biodiversity in the Colombian Andes, especially the unique páramo ecosystem, which is at risk of disappearing.
95% of the donations received will be put into the project and the remaining 5% used to cover the running costs of A Tree For You
Alexandre, a farmer, and winegrower in the Vaucluse department, is keen to reintroduce 825 trees of 32 different species to his plots of land. Planting hedges around and within the vineyard will protect the vines from the wind and impacts of climate change. A second phase of the project will be to create an edible forest garden by combining market gardening with tall trees on another plot, which will improve biodiversity.
95% of the donations received will be put into the project and the remaining 5% used to cover the running costs of A Tree For You
Yves is a crop farmer in the Beauce region of France. He works in organic and conservation agriculture and is keen to expand this approach to include more sustainable farming methods by planting trees on his land. Introducing 6,579 trees of over 50 different species will reduce the significant loss of soil and fertility and enrich the surrounding biodiversity.
95% of the donations received will be put into the project and the remaining 5% used to cover the running costs of A Tree For You
The project aims to help farmers and herders in the region move towards a silvopastoral system – a sustainable form of agriculture that combines forestry and pastoral objectives. Planting 117,000 trees will enable local livestock farmers to carry out an income-generating activity that is more respectful of the environment and protects the neighbouring Selva El Ocote reserve.
95% of the donations received will be put into the project and the remaining 5% used to cover the running costs of A Tree For You
Pierre is a winegrower and cognac producer in Charente. His activities are carried out using organic farming methods. To go further, the winegrower wishes to engage in agroforestry by integrate trees into his vineyards. The planting of 428 trees of about ten different species will help to protect the vines from the effects of climate change, such as excessive heat and late frosts, and to enrich biodiversity.
95% of the donations received will be put into the project and the remaining 5% used to cover the running costs of A Tree For You
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