This pioneering project in France aims to enrich existing biodiversity and ensure a future for a young market gardener. The planting of trees of more than 60 species, from fruit trees to energy wood trees, will also contribute to soil enrichment and erosion control.
Let’s help the Lisu and Naxi minorities recover their ancestral skills in gathering and preparing medicinal plants, in addition to planting fruit trees and trees that benefit the soil, water, and biodiversity.
The primary forest in this region is suffering from selective deforestation and losing its biodiversity. Let’s plant valuable local species trees in plots owned by smallholders, this will provide them with wood within easy reach and so protect the tropical forest.
Covering a few acres, this forest in the Tarn region is on the decline. Let’s plant here to breathe new life into this valley bottom. With lindens and Robinias to provide more flowers for the beehives and black alders in the wetland parts.
1 stable tree: 5.90
Objective: 532.41525423729 stable trees amounting to 3141.25
In this small village of 600 inhabitants, the soil is extremely degraded and so largely infertile for subsistence crops (taros, yams…). The villagers also lack fuelwood and lumber. Together let’s plant trees to provide the villagers with food and wood, and to protect the gallery forest of the river Zio.
The village of Pejarakan relies heavily on its marine ecosystem and natural coastal resources to meet its everyday needs.
The plan is to plant mangroves and introduce clean-up sites for the beaches. These actions will enable the ecosystem to rebuild itself and help the local population regain an acceptable standard of living.
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